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He opened his eyes and looked at me. “I could smell it on you the day we met.”

A blush spread across my cheeks and I looked down at my hands.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” he breathed. “It’s a compliment.” I looked up at him and he grinned. “My nose doesn’t lie.”

“I can’t smell your magic, but I can feel it sometimes,” I said. “It’s electric. A lightning storm waiting to happen.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s exhilarating. Mesmerizing. Like looking at the stars on a clear night.”

He chuckled, and it was a deep, rumbling sound that made my insides quiver. “I’m glad you think so,” he said. “Marriage is giving and taking. It’s a partnership. I want us to be partners.”

I swallowed hard and nodded. “I can try.”

He clasped my hands in his. They were warm and large, enveloping mine. “Good,” he said before his lips brushed against my palms.

It was a gentle, chaste kiss. But it promised so much more. This was the beginning of something new. An alliance between us two.

He looked up at me and grinned. “I think we’re going to get along just fine.”

Chapter 21


Politics can be a cutthroat business. That was never more true than in a monarchy. There were always those who schemed and plotted, looking for any way to advance their agenda. And those who opposed them had to be just as ruthless to survive. It’s the reason I never wanted to get involved in politics. I preferred to stay out of the game entirely. But circumstances have a way of changing things.

Standing before Prince Maedras, I felt like a fish out of water. People who had been born into this world of politics surrounded me. They knew all the games and how to play them. I knew nothing.

The council chamber was opulent, with rich tapestries and paintings adorning the walls. A large table dominated the room, with chairs for all the members of the council. On it was a map of the kingdom. Several small figurines were scattered across it, representing different forces within the kingdom.

But the map was not the focus of the room. Instead, all eyes were on me. Only four people were present at the moment, Prince Maedras included.

The prince gestured for me to sit down in one of the empty chairs. I did so, perching on the edge and clutching my bag tightly. I felt like I needed something to hold on to.

“As you know,” Prince Maedras began, “I have asked Princess Thimsal to join my council. I believe her knowledge and insight will be a valuable asset.”

The other members of the council, two men and one woman, all nodded in agreement. They didn’t look happy about it, but they were not outright opposed to it, either. Bers smiled brightly at me as he leaned back in his chair. I had a feeling he was going to be my ally in this.

I met the gazes of the council members, trying to project confidence I didn’t feel. “I’m honored to be here,” I said. “And I’ll do my best to help in any way I can.”

“Good,” Prince Maedras said. “Now, let’s get started.”

He leaned forward, steepling his fingers as he looked at the map. “As you can see, our primary concern at the moment is the eastern border. We’ve been receiving reports of increased activity.”

Paintings of famous elves adorned the walls of the room, their gazes seeming to follow us as we spoke. Stately portraits of former kings and queens looked down on us from their place above the fireplace. The symbolism was not lost on me. Prince Maedras was sending a message. He was the ruler here. He would heed the counsel of his advisors, but ultimately, the decisions were his to make.

I sat up straight in my chair, eager to hear what the others had to say. Information about the situation had been sketchy. All I knew was that an unknown magical species could cross the borders of Manzimor. A feat that should be impossible. We didn’t know how they were doing it, but we knew it had to be stopped.

“What do we know about these creatures?” Lady Dalia asked. “Where do they come from? What do they want? Are they intelligent?”

“These are all valid questions.” Prince Maedras leaned forward in his chair. “Unfortunately, we do not have the answers to them yet. Bers, perhaps you can share what information we have gathered so far.”

The Elf to my left straightened in his chair. “Of course, I just returned from the front lines. From what I can tell, the creatures are intelligent. They attack in large numbers and seem to be organized. They are also very fast and agile. Our soldiers have had difficulty hitting them.”

“Is there anything else?” Prince Maedras asked.

Bers shook his head. “That’s all I have for now. But I’ll continue to gather information and report back.”
