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“Yes, of course. We understand.” Souhir jumped in. “You must be rather busy right now.”

“It’s nice to meet you both.“ The ambassador smiled. “You are welcome. What did you do with it?”

“We used it to buy new books and to repair some of the old ones,” I answered. “We donated the older ones to the local libraries that needed them the most.”

The ambassador nodded approvingly. “That’s excellent. Knowledge is power, after all.”

“Yes, that’s what we believe at the university as well.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I’ve heard impressive things about your work. One day, I hope to see it for myself.”

“Thank you, ambassador. It would honor us to have you visit us.”

“Thank you. I might just take you up on that offer.” The ambassador’s eyes lingered on my jewelry. “Do you have anything else going on in your life?”

That question made me pause as I carefully pondered on my answer. I didn’t want to give her the wrong impression.

“I’m currently trying to make the best of my time at the university. Other than that, I have little going on in my life.”

No talents, nothing useful to contribute to the world, and living my life. That summed up my life at the moment.

The ambassador looked disappointed. “That’s a shame. You should take some time for yourself. Life is too short to spend it all working.”

A polite smile spread across my face. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for your advice.”

Souhir glanced at me. Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips pursed. “There’s no need to be humble. Thimsal is an avid reader and talented in runes. She’s the one the family goes to when they need help.”

The corners of her eyes crinkled. “Really?” The ambassador glanced at me for a moment. “What about you?”

Souhir took a step closer. “I’m a midwife. Or soon I will be when I’m done with school. And I dabble in weaving in my spare time.”

“Ah, so you’re the weaver.” The ambassador looked impressed. “I’ve heard good things about your work as well.”

That she had heard about me, I could believe. That she heard about Souhir’s work surprised me. Unless she studied weavers too.

Or potential brides.

Souhir blushed. “Thank you, ambassador.”

“It was nice meeting you both. I should talk to some of the other lovely ladies here.”

I bowed my head. “It was nice meeting you as well, ambassador Bennani.”

As the ambassador walked away, Idir let out a sigh of relief.

The ambassador turned around and glanced at us. Her eyes lingered on Souhir. She seemed intrigued by her. Too intrigued. Was this part of the selection of a royal bride? The last thing I wanted was to see Souhir in such a position. She wouldn’t be able to handle the Eternal Court and its politics.

In a snakepit, Souhir would be the prey, not the predator. Her kind heart and good intentions would be her downfall.

But I knew better than to voice my concerns out loud.

They would wilter her spirit till nothing was left. Only a cusp of the girl, who wore her heart on her sleeve, would remain. She lacked the ruthlessness that was needed to survive the Lunja.

“Well, that was interesting,” Souhir said after the ambassador was out of earshot.

“Yes, it was,” I said, annoyed. “Although I wish you hadn’t told her so much about me.”

Souhir shrugged. “I only told her the truth.”
