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When I glanced up, Miryam stood in the middle of a stone circle with her newborn son in her arms. She wore a simple white kaftan that billowed around her. Green embroidery in the shape of vines adorned the neckline, sleeves, and hem. I could even spot rune inscriptions, which included blessings and wishes for a healthy mother and child. Her bracelets’ gold shined in the glow of the torches.

Approaching the circle, I saw dark locks peeking out from under the blanket. The baby’s eyes were closed, but his lashes were long and thick. He had the same olive skin tone as Miryam. There was a small nose and a plump mouth. He looked absolutely perfect, sleeping there in his white tunic with a golden cord wrapped around his waist.

“He’s beautiful, Miryam,” I said as I stopped in front of her.

A smile graced her lips as she looked down at her son. “Thank you, Thimsal. We named him Amir.”

The baby stirred in her arms before his eyes slowly opened and focused on me. I held my breath as I waited for him to cry, but he only looked at me with an unwavering gaze.

“It seems like he likes you.” Miryam chuckled as she gently rocked Amir back and forth in her arms.

I let out the breath I had been holding and smiled. “I think he does.”

Reaching out, I brushed my fingers over Amir’s soft cheek before Miryam handed him over to me. I held him close, being extra careful not to drop him as I adjusted to his weight. He smelled of lavender and roses, with a hint of milk.

“He’s so precious,” I cooed as I rocked him from side to side.

Miryam beamed at me. “I know. I’m so lucky.”

Amir cried, and I quickly handed him back to his mother. His tears stopped as soon as he was back in her arms and nuzzled against her chest.

I reached for my silk bag that was hanging from my gold belt and pulled out a pouch with gold coins and a delicate ceramic pot with rich golden honey. This symbolized my desire for the newest member of my family to have a prosperous and healthy life and to enjoy the sweetness of his youth. A traditional gift, but the sentiment stayed true.

Miryam nodded her head as I presented my offering. Entering the stone circle, I placed my gifts in the overflowing basket before turning. My bright yellow takchita swayed around my ankles as I walked out of the circle. One of the wise ladies approached me and took both of my hands in hers. She applied henna to my palms and wrapped them in cloth.

Miryam bowed her head. “May magic bless you and keep you safe.”

“May magic bless you as well and offer you guidance,” I answered, before looking bemused at my palms before I looked at her again. “Really?”

“It’s tradition,” Miryam whispered.

“I would’ve preferred a gold coin like the children.”

“Next time,” she promised.

I walked further into the tent. Miryam had outdone herself. Handmade gold couches with bright pillows and colorful rugs adorned the area. Tables were piled high with food from around the world.

Waiters in traditional djellaba weaved through the crowd, carrying trays of drinks. The guests laughed and chatted, as they enjoyed the festivities.

I spotted Souhir across the room and made my way over to her. She stood next to the group of women with wood-framed drums, guitars, and reed flutes. With curly black hair and an athletic body, she wasn't hard to miss.

“Hey, Thimsal!” She greeted me with a wide smile, her white teeth shining against her dark skin.

I smiled back at her. “Hey.”

“Can you believe Una couldn’t come for an idiotic reason like that?” she asked, rolling her eyes.

I shrugged. “I wouldn’t want her to risk her life.”

My cousin nodded. “It’s still a shame. How are you doing? I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“I’ve been busy at the office. I’m working on a project with a partner institution to help kids from the more rural areas get enrolled at the University.”

“That sounds great. I’m sure your parents are proud of you.”

“They are,” I said with a smile. “How about you? What have you been up to?”

Souhir glowed. “I’ve learned a lot from your mother since I started my apprenticeship. I helped deliver 3 babies this week.”
