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I walked back to my tent and approached the line that had formed outside. Sweat dripped down my face, and I wiped it away with my sleeve.

“Are you ready?” Souhir asked, her eyes glowing.

I nodded, and she handed me a cup of water. I downed it in one gulp and handed it back to her.

“Let’s do this,” I said.

With ornate gifts in their hands, they awaited my arrival. The Caid followed them.

“Despite our decision, the people of Midar didn’t want to send you empty-handed.”

One by one, people came up to me and gave me gifts. Some were personal, some were practical, but they gave all of them with love. The gifts range from jewelry to hand-woven tapestries, and the thoughtfulness of each gift amazed me.

The weavers’ guilds presented me with my favorite gifts. They provided me with several of their prized creations, including a beautiful tapestry that depicted the legend of the first Midarian queen. The one that fought the Elves when they arrived on these shores. I ran my fingers over the smooth fabric and smiled.

“This is stunning,” I told the woman who had gifted it to me. “Thank you so much.”

“It’s our pleasure.” She bowed her head respectfully. “To keep you warm on your journey. And to remind you of home.”

We were not weak. We were not to be underestimated.

I carefully examined the protective runes that were woven into the fabric and nodded my head in understanding. The runes would keep me safe from harm, and the reminder of our history would give me strength.

I thanked her again and moved on to the next person in line.

And so it went until they had all given gifts and all the well-wishers had been seen. I was tired, but it also exhilarated me. The sons and daughters of Midar had given me their love, and I would never forget it.


I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I looked like the female Caids of the past. Elegant, beautiful, and deadly. The traditional clothing of my people suited me well. I had always been proud of my heritage, but today, I felt a deeper connection to it.

The kaftan I wore was azure blue, the color of the house of Finardsil, and adorned with jewels. They applied kohl to my eyes and gold jewelry covered my wrists and neck, while diamonds decorated my cheeks and chin.

The woman in the mirror looked back at me with strength and determination that I didn’t know I had. I barely recognized myself.

Gratefully, I thanked the ladies and gentlemen behind me for their work.

“We only emphasized your beauty. We didn’t create something that wasn’t there,” one designer told me as he placed a delicately woven cape around my shoulders.

The others nodded in agreement as they draped the long train of fabric behind me.

The cape protected me from the cold, but it also had a special meaning. It was a reminder that I was not alone on this journey. My people were with me, in spirit, every step of the way.

I was ready to face Rossertham and whatever challenges it might bring.

But first, I had to say goodbye.

“Show the people of Rossertham what we are made of,” my hairdresser said to me as she placed one final jewel in my hair.

“Make them remember our name,” the make-up artist said as he put the finishing touches on my look.

I nodded, determined to do just that. “I will.”

As I walked out into the main room, I was met with applause and cheers. My friends and family were all there, waiting for me in the hallway. Drums and flutes played, and people danced. My mother guided me outside, and the women ululated. Tilila ran to me and hugged me tightly.

“You look like a princess!” she exclaimed.

I laughed and hugged her tightly. “I feel like one.”
