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Around a hundred people then. And I needed to impress all of them.

“Is there something I need to do?” I asked, feeling a bit out of depth. “I don’t want to make a mistake.”

“Don’t worry.” Darith smiled. “Just be yourself and you’ll be fine. I’ll be there with you if you need anything.”

Being myself next to Queen Menthe and all these other high-ranking Elves didn’t sound wise, but I nodded anyway. I needed to be more than myself if I was going to make this work. A more cunning, calculating version of myself.

Chapter 8

Elvish Feasts

In the hallway, I saw portraits of my future husband’s ancestors. One, in particular, caught my eye. It was a painting of Good King Finardel. He was a brave and just man, and I saw that in his eyes. I wondered what he would have thought of me. He nodded his head at me and I took a step backward. I stared at Darith who looked bemused at me.

Animated stone and moving paintings, what else did I need to get used to? Doors that moved?

From one window, I caught my first glimpse of the city of Rossertham. The first thing that caught my eye was the carved city walls. Made of white stone and decorated with gemstones, they almost seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. It was rumored that the walls were enchanted, and I believed it.

The city itself was built on a series of hills, with winding streets and tall buildings. In the distance, I saw the Illum mountains, their peaks capped with snow. Marble buildings towered over the city, their rooftops adorned with intricate gold carvings. Gigantic statues lined the streets, each one depicting a different scene from Manzimor’s history.

I gazed out the window in wonder. “It’s beautiful.”

If not predictable. The Elves loved their marble, gemstones, and gold.

“Yes, princess,” Darith said, pleased with my reaction. “Welcome to Rossertham, the jewel of Manzimor and your new home.”

The city’s beauty impressed me, but the lack of organic growth disconcerted me. Everything was orderly and predictable. There was no life, no spontaneity. It was as if the city itself was a work of art, but one that lacked soul.

I continued down the hall, admiring the paintings and tapestries that lined the walls. Many of them depicted scenes from Manzimor’s history, including the Hundred Years’ War.

I paused in front of a gruesome painting that showed the king being brutally beheaded by the Werewolves. He tried to escape, and I looked away. I shuddered, thinking of the blood that must have shed that day.

Darith’s voice brought me out of my reverie. “We’ll be late if we don’t hurry, princess.”

I turned to her, nodding. “Of course.” I straightened my dress. One of the 158 dresses Prince Maedras prepared for me. I counted them, and the few I tried fitted me perfectly. “Lead the way.”

As we walked down the hallway, large doors loomed ahead of us. Darith waved her hands, and the doors opened.

The dining room was just as beautiful as the rest of the palace. A long table made of carved mahogany wood dominated the room, with chairs that looked fit for a queen. A fire crackled in the fireplace, adding warmth to the room.

The table was already set for dinner, with fine china and crystal goblets.

Orbs flickered to life along the walls, casting a warm glow over the room. I saw several faces turn toward me as I entered, and my stomach churned. Only four other people were in the room. That frightened me more than the expected 100.

“Relax,” Darith whispered, sensing my unease. “You’re among family here.”

She led me to the head of the table where my future husband sat down. He stood as I approached. Shouldn’t his mother sit at the head of the table?

He gestured to the seat next to him. “Please, sit.”

I sat down, and he resumed his seat. Darith took the seat behind me, which I found reassuring if not strange. Wouldn’t she dine with us?

“Allow me to introduce you to my parents and grandmother,” Prince Maedras said, his voice carrying throughout the room. “This is Prince Aldaren, my father and prince of Manzimor. And this is Queen Menthe, my mother, who you already met. And this is my grandmother, Queen Laylath.”

An elegant woman seated at the other end of the table nodded her head in greeting. She looked the same age as me, with black hair and piercing blue eyes.

“May House Finardsil always reign over the shores of Manzimor.” I lowered my head.

“And may your presence golden our House,” Prince Aldaren said, his voice booming. “We are happy to have you here.”
