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I took a sip from my new goblet. It was so sugary I almost vomited, but I kept it down. On my plate was a variety of meats, vegetables, and rice. I hadn’t tried everything and the last thing I wanted to do was eat more.

Tiny plates stacked with fruits, and bread accompanied the next course. Feeling relieved, I took a grape. Maybe this would be the end of the meal.

Queen Menthe let out a small gasp.

The room stared at me in horror.

I froze, a grape halfway to my mouth. What did I do wrong?

Prince Maedras grabbed a strawberry and popped it into his mouth. “I’ve never understood why we put food on our tables that we can’t eat.”

“Because we eat with our eyes.” I tried to salvage the situation. “At the very least, we humans do. The colors and scents of the food fascinate us.”

“Fascinating?” Queen Menthe repeated, her voice laced with disbelief. “I’ve heard no one describe food as fascinating before.”

“It’s a different way of thinking.” I shrugged, embarrassed. “In Midar, we take great pride in our food. We believe it should be a work of art. That’s why we enjoy having a variety of foods on our table. To show our guests that we appreciate them.”

“That is a very interesting perspective.” The Queen looked at her son. “Don’t you think that’s interesting, Maedras?”

“Midarians always were particular.” His eyes gleamed as I pursed my lips. “But I have to say, I agree with her. It’s much more enjoyable to feast with your eyes first.”

“What explains this? Why do you put food on the table that you don’t intend to eat?” I asked, curious.

“It is a sign of respect,” Queen Menthe explained. “When we put food on the table, we are showing our guests that we value them enough to offer them the best that we have. It is a way of saying that their presence honors us.”

I nodded in understanding. “But if no one can eat it, what’s the point?”

The Queen Mother smiled behind her goblet.

“It is a sign of respect,” Prince Aldaren repeated. “And it is also a way of showing our guests that we are not trying to take advantage of them. We are offering them food, but we are not expecting anything in return.”

It was strange, but I supposed that was just the way Elves did things.

“Thank you for explaining it to me.”

The conversation moved on to other topics, and I relaxed. I listened as they conversed about the latest gossip and news. Surprised, I realized I recognized a few people they were talking about.

When the dessert arrived, I didn’t partake despite how delicious it looked. It was a small, pound pastry covered in a sweet, thick sauce. Gold leaf adorned the top, and it looked too beautiful to eat.

“Aren’t you going to have any?” Prince Maedras asked, as his knife hovered over the pastry.

“I’m unable to eat anything else.”

His mouth closed around the dessert and the fork slipped out of his mouth. “Suit yourself.”

I watched as he savored the dessert and my stomach grumbled in envy. It looked so good. But I didn’t want to be rude and spit out my food.

His eyebrow raised in surprise.

The queen waved her hand dismissively. “In that case, I excuse you.”

Dismissed? So, that was it? The audience was over? The idea of sending a guest away was rude.

I got to my feet. “Thank you for your time and hospitality.”

“It was a pleasure to meet you.” She lifted her chin before turning her attention to her family.

“Likewise,” I replied.
