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“Yes.” Darith nodded. “You are the future crown princess and she is here to help you with your transition. There is no need to stand on ceremony.”

“Please show her in.”

Darith left the room. Ambassador Bennani followed her into the room. In her hands, she carried a tray with a plate of food and a teapot.

“Your Highness.” She bowed her head. “I brought you dinner and tea.”

“Please, have a seat.”

Darith set the tray down on the table and started to leave, but I stopped her.

“Please, stay.” I sat down. “I would like your input.”

She hesitated for a moment before nodding and taking a seat next to the ambassador.

“Good, you found out that we...” Ambassador Bennani looked at Darith. “have different tastes in food. Did you prepare something yourself?”

I shook my head. “No, lord Maeven sent this to me.”

“Ah, lord Maeven.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “It doesn’t surprise me that the general would think of you.”

The general of the Elvish army? No wonder the name seemed familiar and no wonder he knew Midarians weren’t fond of Elvish cuisine.

“I will send food to your room as well,” ambassador Bennani said, as her eyes lingered on the tray. “There is no need for you to go hungry.”

“I appreciate it. But that wouldn’t be a long-term solution.”

Food and hospitality were connected in the Elven culture. The same as in Midar. If I refused their hospitality, they would see it as an insult.

“Yes, of course,” she said, understanding my meaning. “But it’s a way to tide you over until we can figure out a more permanent solution. Telling the staff that their cuisine is not to your liking during the next meal would be a loss of face for them.”

“That wouldn’t go over well.” I winced. “But what I can do is speak with the head chef and explain my situation. With any luck, they can make a menu to accommodate me.”

“That’s a good idea,” Darith said, approvingly. “I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to accommodate you.”

Ambassador Bennani didn’t seem so sure, but she nodded. “I will leave you to eat your meal.” She stood up. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

I inclined my head in gratitude. “Thank you.”

Once she was gone, I turned to Darith. “Please taste this.” I gestured to the food.

Her face twisted as she tasted the fish. “The taste is subtle,” she said, after a moment. “It misses the richness of the Elvish cuisine... and there’s no elf root in it.”

“Does all your food contain elf root?”

“No,” she answered. “But it’s a common ingredient. It gives our food its distinctive flavor.”

“And what does elf root taste like?”

“It’s hard to explain.” Her face turned thoughtful, and she leaned back. “It’s a food enhancer, so it doesn’t have a taste of its own. But it brings out the flavors in other foods.”

“I see.” A theory formed in my mind. “Try the tea, please.”

She picked up the cup and as she sipped, her eyes widened. “This is good. Where did the ambassador buy this?”

“It’s a common Midarian tea.” I raised my eyebrow. “I’m surprised you’ve never had it before.”

“Well, whatever the source, it’s an excellent tea,” she said, before placing the cup on her lips again. “I’m going to have to see if I can get some for myself.”
