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“Nothing,” I said. “I’m not here to manipulate or control. I just want to help.”

Elvish business was Elvish business. The only thing I ever wanted was for Midar to be safe.

“And you think you can do that?” he asked skeptically. “Can I trust you? Just trust you?”

“Only you can be the judge of that.” I leaned back in my chair. “All I can tell you is that my intentions are pure.”

His eyes narrowed in thought. “And what about your people?” he asked. “Do they share your goals?”

“Our people,” I corrected him again. “And yes, I think they do. But we’re not all the same. We each have our motivations. Like all species do.”

He nodded his head in agreement. “Calida approached me in tears and told me you are aware of the visions. The news upset you.”

So he finally got around to it.

“Yes, I am aware of the visions.” I lifted my head. “And it did.”

“Visions are powerful things.” His face turned blank. “They have the potential to change everything.”

“But they’re also just potential. They’re not guaranteed.”

“No. But they offer hope.”

“And that’s what you’re looking for, isn’t it?” I asked. “Hope.”

He didn’t move. “That is all I am looking for.”

“Then I hope we can give it to each other. I was not only upset by the news. But also surprised, enlightened, and outraged.”

He cocked his head. “Enlightened?”

That he focused on that word instead of the others didn’t surprise me. He suspected me of something.

“It cleared up a few of my questions,” I said. “But it also created new ones.”

Why did they approach us only now? Why not sooner?

He raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “But not for me.”

“What do you mean by that?”

His mouth twisted. “Why did Midar say yes to our marriage proposal?”

Laughter bubbled up inside me, and I fought to keep it from spilling out. “That is the question, isn’t it?”

He looked affronted. “I’m not sure I like your tone.”

“And I’m not sure I enjoy being kept in the dark.” I retorted. “You and I both know that our marriage is political. But I didn’t know that it was also about creating hope.”

“Yes. That is part of it. But my question remains. Why are you here? I have been asking myself that since the day you arrived.”

“And?” I prompted him when he didn’t continue.

“I think.” He inclined his head. “That Midar has its own agenda.”

My lips quirked up in a half-smile. “And what would that be?”

“I’m not sure,” he said plainly.
