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The surrounding air shifted, and magic prickled over my skin. His magic. It was everywhere, seeping into the cracks and crevices of my body, trying to find a way inside.

The urge to run away hit me, but I stood my ground.

“You did it for her?” His voice was soft, and for a moment, I saw vulnerability in his eyes.

“Yes,” I said firmly. “I would do anything for her. Even this.”

Emotions warred open on his face. Finally, he spoke. “Thank you,” he whispered. “For being honest with me.”

I turned my gaze away. “There’s nothing for us to gain here. We already are part of this kingdom. If we wanted more influence, we only needed to ask. “

Unlike the Selkies, were the unspoken words between us.

He stepped sidewards and stood next to me, looking out over the balcony.

“It’s a shame. That it has to be this way.”

I said nothing. There was nothing to say.

We stood there in silence, two people forced into a situation neither of us wanted.

“I’m willing to do my duty to our people,” I said. “But that’s all I can promise you. And I want the same from you. I want you to be honest with me. I want you to be fair. And I want you to remember that I’m not your enemy. Don’t use me as a pawn in your games. Don’t make me regret this. If you want this to be an actual marriage.” My eyes turned hard. “With all the duties entailed. I don’t want to worry...”

The air, charged, and thick with unsaid words, turned electric. Like a thunderstorm about to break, the air grew heavy and oppressive. I saw him struggling with himself, wrestling with some internal demon. And then, finally, he spoke. His eyes blazed with a fierce light and he spoke in a low, deadly voice.

“I swear to you, on my honor as a prince of this kingdom, that I will never force myself on you. Never will I belittle you or use you as a tool in my political games. I will be honest with you and I will treat you as an equal. As my wife.”

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in.

“I also swear to you that, should you ever come to regret this decision, I will let you go. No questions asked. You will be free to leave, and I will never try to stop you.”

I swallowed hard and nodded my head. It was more than I could have hoped for. And it was a vow that I knew he meant. Whether he would keep it, I didn’t know. But right now, I knew he meant it.

“Thank you.” I shivered as the surrounding air finally cleared. “That brings me relief.”

His eyes didn’t leave my face. “You’re welcome.” He focused his attention on the sea again. “Good.” His voice was back to its normal, clipped tone. “What about you? Do you want more? Do you expect more? Power? Influence? Love?”

I shook my head. “I only want what’s fair. What’s equal.”

His eyes were serious. “To ensure that there are no unspoken expectations between us, I need to ask this. What do you expect from our marriage?”

I took a deep breath and thought about it for a moment. I expected many things when I first agreed to this marriage. But now, after speaking to him, I only wanted one thing.

“A partnership,” I whispered. “That’s all I ask. Coworker, friend, husband. Someone I can trust.”

He smiled. “That’s all I can promise you, as well.” He held out his hand, and I hesitated for a moment before taking it.

As our hands touched, a sudden jolt of electricity shot through my body. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before, and it left me breathless. It was like standing in the middle of a lightning storm. But instead of being scared, I only felt exhilarated.

“I want us to be a team. Working together to make this kingdom the best it can be. As friends.”

“And husband?” he asked.

I swallowed hard and looked away. I never thought about that part of our relationship. That’s not what this marriage was supposed to be about. And it’s not what I wanted it to be about either. I would do my duty if necessary, but deep down I hoped I would repulse him. I felt his eyes linger on me. But I didn’t look at him. I couldn’t.

“That’s not what I expected to hear.”

I looked at him then, my eyes pleading. “But it’s the truth. I don’t want to be some political tool. And I don’t want to be a possession. I want us to be partners. What did you expect?”
