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But I knew that answer. Only the Elves. The people of Midar were my people, and not ours.

His seduction of me was just a means to an end. And one I would let him think he was slowly succeeding in.

She who keeps his enemies close knows them well and can predict their next move.

If Prince Maedras wanted to play games, I was happy to oblige him.

Chapter 13

The People of Manzimor

“There is always someone plotting in the Eternal Court.” Calida leaned against the shelf, eyes narrowed in thought. “Be careful who you trust here.”

“And are you someone I can trust, cousin?” I quipped, eyeing her sideways.

What was it with this family and their mind games? Did court life just rot your brain until you couldn’t think straight anymore?

“You can trust me, cousin,” Calida said solemnly. “I would never betray you. We are family.”

I believed her. I don’t know why, but I did. Maybe it was the way she looked at me or the way she spoke. But I knew she was telling the truth. The family was important to her.

I ran a hand through my hair. “That’s not always a good thing.”

She shrugged. “Family is family. It is what it is. So why did you invite me to the Records of Knowledge? Surely you didn’t just want to catch up? What an honor to be the first to be granted an audience with the princess.”

I chuckled and leaned against the shelf next to her. Princess? Wasn’t she a princess herself? “I didn’t invite you here to talk about family or court.”

“No?” She raised an eyebrow. “What did you invite me for?”

I glanced at her. Her gown parted at the waist, revealing pearl buttons that ran down her stomach. Excessive. But then again, this was the Eternal Court. “I invited you here because I need your help.”

“You have found the right person. I am an expert in all things Court. What do you need help with?”

I smiled, amused. She was still so young. “Prince Maedras granted me early access to the Royal Funds, so I thought why not use this opportunity to do some good in the world?”

“And to catch up with your cousin.” She smirked.

I elbowed her gently. “Of course. But I also want to use these funds wisely and I need your help with that. Both of you.”

“What do you need me to do?” she asked, suddenly serious again.

I looked at Calida and Darith, two of the most trustworthy people in the Eternal Court. “To make a difference, I need an Elvish perspective. I need to know what it is like to be an Elf. And I need to know what the people want.”

Calida pursed her lips. “That’s a tall order.”

“I know,” I replied. “But I think you two can help me.”

“And we are the only ones with no agenda,” Darith added.

None that I was aware of and that said little. Beneath the surface, everyone in the Court had an agenda. Even Calida and Darith, as much as I trusted them, were not exempt from that rule. Even I had my agenda.

But for now, I would work with them and hope that their agendas aligned with mine. Because if there was one thing I learned in the Eternal Court, it was that trust was a valuable commodity. Without trust, you were nothing.

“That too.” I grinned as I looked at them. “So, what do you say? Will you help me make a difference?”

Calida smiled brightly. “I’m too young and too pretty to say no.”

Darith snorted. “Your wisest decision yet, Princess Calida.” She inclined her head. “I am at your service.”
