Page 202 of The Hookup Experiment

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His friend looks to me.

I shrug. That is the truth, basically. "A lot so far."

"What are the notes? Even though he finishes in three minutes, we have a good time?" Oliver chuckles.

Daisy rolls her eyes.

Her boyfriend too. "Really, Ollie, that's weak. A minuteman joke? Kinda unspecific."

"I haven't started timing things yet," I say. "But I could. There are global averages. I think, average is around five minutes, for uh, the act itself. But I'm not a sex researcher. Psychology and economics."

"So you like dumb guys then?" Oliver asks.

Daisy and Holden laugh.

"Not exactly. I like guys who don't try to prove they're smarter than I am. And that's hard to find in college," I say.

"UCLA, right? Like Luna?" Daisy asks.

I nod.

"It's the same at Berkeley. A lot of guys are cool. But there are so many blowhards who want to lecture you on philosophy. They think they're experts after a single class." She shakes her head and her wavy blond locks fall over her face.

"She likes them cute and dumb." Her boyfriend Holden sits next to her and pulls her into his lap. "Right?"

She nods.

He pulls her closer.

She blushes, shy, but she still leans into the gesture.

Their kiss isn't full-on PDA, but there's heat in it.

Oliver sticks his tongue out. "Gross."

"Why are you watching them?" Patrick asks.

Oliver just shakes his headI will not watch my sister make outand he turns to me. "So it's the same with you and Tricky?"

"Why do you think any of the women here showed?" Patrick asks. "For our brilliant minds?" He flexes a bicep.

"That's Dare's move," Oliver says.

"It still works," Patrick says.

"Eh. He's got better biceps," Oliver says.

"That's the first nice thing you've ever said about him," Patrick says.

"I say lots of nice things. I'm the nicest guy in the world." Oliver laughs.

Patrick shakes his head and turns to me. "Are you following this bullshit at all?"

"It sounds healthy, that Oliver isn't jealous of his girlfriend's guy friends," I say.

Oliver actually smiles. "Healthy. That's a new label."

Patrick chuckles. "Yeah, I think that's the first time anyone has called him well-adjusted."
