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Chapter 7


My phone dings, letting me know that I have a text. Opening it up, I see the name Alana flash across the scene.

I groan. Sneaky little bitch must have put her number in my phone when I wasn’t looking. I don’t get her. I avoid her—all the damn time, but she always finds me and chats me up. I don’t need more friends. I have Ava. Trixie used to be part of our group, we were the best threesome in the world. But of course, Trixie ditched us first, getting caught up in a guy, never having time for her friends anymore. Then Ava left me, for her husband. Everyone leaves. Yeah, Ava and I still talk all the time, occasionally we are able to get together, but that’s it, we’re not as close as we once were. Friends leave. Just like my mother. Maybe I’m just cursed.

Come out for lunch with me tomorrow. – A

I shake my head. She’s not giving up at all, is she? She keeps talking to me about some boyfriend she has, but part of me thinks maybe she’s a secret lesbian because she’s all up in my shit all the time.

Fine –K

I send it off.

“Who was that?” Emma asks, looking up from her phone, probably texting Seth.

“Just a friend, I’m going out for a bit. Any idea of when you’re going back home?” Not that I don’t love having my sister here, I do, I just want my space back. I hate having to go to the library to do my work, because I can’t get anything done with Emma around, since she never shuts up.

“In a few days. You wanna help me shop for my prom dress before I leave?”

“Ugh,” I groan. “Isn’t that in like, two weeks? Why haven’t you gotten your dress already?” That’s something I see people shopping for in the fall, not two damn weeks before prom.

She rolls her eyes at me. “Because I couldn’t find anything I liked back home and I didn’t want to order off the Internet.”

I throw my hands up. “You could have done this when you came to visit me.”

“I didn’t want to then. And I don’t need anything like super huge or blinged out. Just something simple, but sexy, of course.”

“Fine, we’ll go tomorrow.” I shut my door before she talks anymore. I love my sister, but gah, she talks way too damn much.


I spot Alana as I enter Dairy Queen. “Ordered without me, huh?” I ask her, scooting into her booth, and see that she already has an order number on the table.

“I didn’t want to waste your lunch hour by rushing you to eat after ordering. We have class this afternoon, and I noticed that you were always in class way before me, and that’s saying something, since I’m always about twenty minutes early myself.”

I shake my head. “So, what’s up? Why did you want to have lunch?”

Her brow furrows as her shoulders go up in defence mode and she looks upset. “You’re my friend, I wanted to have lunch with you.”

I throw my hands up in surrender. “Sorry, gee, I’m not used to the friend thing. This took me by surprise is all.”

Her face softens and she relaxes, giving me a sad smile. “I hate that you think that way.”

I shrug her comment off as food is delivered to our table. I didn’t even think to ask what she ordered, but it looks amazing.

“I got a basket of poutine and a few wraps. I wasn’t exactly sure what you liked,” Alana says, putting the food in between us.

“This works, I hate Dairy Queen burgers.” I shudder. I grab a fork and hesitate before putting it into heaven in a basket. “You okay if I put ketchup on this?”

“Thank God. Yes, please,” she says chuckling. “Most people think I’ve lost my damn mind when I put ketchup on it.”

“Best way to eat it.” I grab the bottle of ketchup and load it onto our food.

“So, tell me about Kristi,” Alana says through a mouthful of food.

“Not much to tell, really. My best friend is married to a douchebag, my mother left when I was a kid. My sister is boy crazy, and my dad is strict.” That sums it up. “What about you?”

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