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Chapter 11


I text Alana and let her know that I invited a few of my married friends along on this group date. Alix and Hayley. They are coming without their husbands, Jordan and Brock, so they don’t have to get a babysitter. If any guy I date can be around those two, and still have fun, then he’s worth keeping around. I don’t even bother warning Alana about them, it will be fun to see her face once they start. She’s probably trying to set me up with some preppy asshole.

“Open up, dick licker!” I hear Hayley’s voice shout outside my door.

I smile as I rush over to open it. She and Alix both storm in, looking hot as ever. “Um, I just realized this, we all sort of match.” I start laughing as I look at them.

We’re all wearing dark blue, ripped up jeans, black and pink DC shoes, except for Hayley, who only ever wears heels. And we all have the same style tee-shirt on, just different colors.

“Well, would you look at that,” Alix says glancing between the three of us. I lock up my apartment and we take off. It only takes us five minutes to get to Chili’s. And that is when the moron twins start up.

“Let’s get going. We have to check out this boy that thinks he can date you, and we need to get drunk. Jordan doesn’t let me get drunk as much anymore because I keep getting naked,” Alix says, looping her arm through mine.

“He’s such a party pooper,” Hayley chimes in. “But he wouldn’t be if maybe you just gave him some anal, he’d probably let you do whatever you wanted.”

“Would you shut the hell up about anal? It’s never going to happen. Ever. It’s an out door for shit, only, that’s it. That’s all it’ll ever be for.”

“Maybe you’re the party pooper,” Hayley grumbles.

I try to tune them out as best as I can, because they won’t stop. Once they start, that’s it. Maybe I should have invited Emma to stay a little longer, then she could have come with me on this group date, so I wouldn’t have had to bring Thing 1 and Thing 2 along. But then again, Emma and Seth were starting to get on my nerves, so I was happy she had to go back home to finish up her exams.

“Guys, come on already. We’re here, let’s go in.” I try to rush in before them but they keep the pace with me, and of course as I open the door to the restaurant Hayley and Alix are still friggen talking about anal sex.

Fuck me, what a great ‘date’ this will be.

Walking ahead of the TMI Twins, I spot the group, and holy shit, that’s the guy Alana set me up with? Fuck my life. I’m gonna be on my back with my legs wrapped around him so damn fast. This is what I didn’t want, after that messed up group bang and pregnancy scare, I vowed to never put out again, until I was ready for a full-blown relationship. But looking at this guy, all those vows I made fly out the window. Taking him in, I start to wonder if his dick is pierced too.

I’m shoved from behind. “Move it, no backing out now,” Hayley says.

Well, this is it. Shit.

Dear Vagina, please behave tonight. Please, please, please.


Matt, Alana, and a few random people from one of Alana’s classes are all sitting around this giant table waiting for Kristi and her friends to show up, when suddenly, I hear a yell. “Hayley, I said no! Why do you always have to talk about anal sex, I’m serious. Enough already. I’m never going to change my mind. Please, Kristi, tell her to shut up.”

Everyone at the table starts laughing at the girls coming in the door, and I can’t laugh, because my gaze lands on Kristi. God fucking damn it, she’s sexy as hell and my cock twitches in my jeans. I look to Alana, who looks excited, and I try to remain calm. I have to do this. I can do this, I keep chanting to myself. I feel guilty already, considering I didn’t even pay attention to Alana when she got ready tonight. In fact, for the last week, I haven’t even touched Alana, and she hasn’t seemed to mind. I’ve been jacking off every damn day in the shower, thinking of Kristi. Fucked up. Just fucked up.

When we first got here, Alana attached herself to Matt, and barely even gave me a second glance. It’s starting to feel as if she wants this for more than just me getting my shop up and going. It’s like she wants to set us up for other relationships so we can break up ourselves. As Kristi gets closer to the table, all thoughts of Alana and this situation vanish.

“You made it! I’m Alana,” Alana says shaking Kristi’s friends’ hands.

“I’m Alix, and this anal-loving whore is Hayley. We’re the owners of Haylix Salon.” Great, I know these girls. Well, know of them. Lilly works at one of their salons.

“Kristi, this here is Bryce. You might actually know him.” Alana grabs Kristi’s arm and drags her over to me.

Recognition settles over her face. “You’re the dude that ran into me.”

“I’m also the dude that helped you out,” I point out.

She rolls her eyes.

“But I’m also the dude that you used to follow around growing up,” I enlighten her.

She flinches back and stares at me. “Holy shit!” she shouts. She ends up giving me a hug, and I stagger back slightly. “I haven’t seen you in years. How do you know Alana?”
