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I rush out of Kristi’s apartment building in tears. Seth was right, this whole thing blew up in my face. This was all my fault. I open the door and crash into Bryce as he is walking in.

He frowns when he takes in my face. “What’s wrong?”

“She knows. Oh God, she knows,” I tell him shakily.

His face pales. “How?”

“I blurted it out. I didn’t mean to, but when she was going on about being in love with you, and how she was pregnant, it just came out.”

“She’s pregnant?” he whispers.

He pushes me and I stumble to not fall on my ass, as I watch him race up the steps. This wasn’t supposed to happen this way. I ruined everything. My sister hates me, and there is nothing I can do about it. I did this.

I pull out my cell phone and hit call on Seth’s number as I get into my car. “Hey, baby.”

“Seth,” I croak out.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, suddenly sounding worried.

“She knows, I didn’t mean to tell her, but it happened. She hates me,” I cry.

“Baby, just come over, we’ll talk when you get here. I love you,” he says gently.

“I love you too,” I reply, sniffing and rubbing my runny nose on my sleeve.

I look back at her apartment building and see her pacing in front of her window. “I’m sorry, Kristi,” I whisper as I drive away.
