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I shrug and grab my bag and head off to work. Last night, Emma told me about how she’s secretly been dating Seth for six months. Shouldn’t really surprise me, since she’s always been about sneaking behind Dad’s back. Although now that I know the guy she is with is Seth, I’m okay with it. He’s a good kid. I went to school with Seth’s older brother, who was the ultimate player, and nothing like his little brother. Seth is more of a one woman type of guy, serious about his schooling and shit like that.

Arriving to work with not even a minute to spare, I quickly get signed in and start at the cash register. My shift is only three hours this morning, which is good because I have to get over to Haylix Salon before class later this afternoon.

My shift goes by quickly, and I see that I really don’t have a minute to spare, hopefully I can get done quickly at the salon so I at least have a few minutes to myself today.

Doesn’t take me long to get to the salon, I’m here to help update Alix and Hayley’s website, since they both seem to be a bit clueless how to do upkeep on their site.

“Woot, Kristi is here,” I hear Alix shout. Alix is on the chunky side, but she still looks stunning, with her black hair streaked with red and blue. After she had her kids, she just kept gaining, and only gets pissed off about her weight if Hayley starts teasing her about being a short fat cow.

“I call dibs!” Hayley shouts back. I swear these two, every time I come in, they fight over who is going to touch my hair. Sometimes it can get rowdy. Last time I came in, Alix ended up throwing bleach on Hayley’s long black hair to get her to back off, and that started a full out brawl between the two of them.

“I know, you asshat! I know. You said that since you found out she was coming last week, so suck my dick.”

I let out a laugh. These two never cease to amaze me.

“Ladies, let me update the site first, and then you can rock me out,” I tell them, sitting down in their back-office room.

As I work on the updates, I hear Hayley going on about some new trick she learned with her husband. “I swear to God, it was the best anal sex of my life. I gushed like a fucking fountain.”

“For fuck’s sake, Hayley! I don’t want to hear this shit! Nasty whore!” Alix shouts at her.

“I don’t know how Jordan stays with you. You don’t like blow jobs, anything to do with anal, refuse to let Jordan kiss you after he’s gone to munch town, and you fucking gag over cum. I’d say you should just go lesbo but you get grossed out looking at your own vagina.”

“Why the fuck are we talking about this in front of customers?” Alix snaps.

“Because, it’s who we are, and these ladies probably come just for this chat.” Hayley giggles. “Come, ha, see what I did there?”

Alix groans and quickly apologizes to her client.

I swear these two could sell tickets to this shit.

After an hour of going through everything, I hit complete and the website is perfect, once again.

“All right, ladies, it’s done. Everything is up to date, I was even able to add the book appointment online app to it. You’re good to go.”

“Oh, Kristi, that is so awesome, thanks a bunch!” Alix says, smiling.

“No problemo. This works for me, I get free hair, you get a free website. Win, win.”

“Hayley is just finishing up with her client, she shouldn’t be much longer. But if you tell me what colors you want this time, I can get it all set up for her.”

I shrug. “I was sort of thinking a black base with every color possible that you have. Plus, I need it shaved again, it’s starting to grow out.”

“Coolness, you are seriously like our favorite person because you never get the same thing twice.”

Shrugging, I tell her, “I get bored easily.”

Three hours later, and lots of laughs, my hair is done. I look smashing, and I have exactly one hour before I should be in class. I decide to spend that time reading. With Emma at my place, she doesn’t shut up long enough for me to even read one damn page.

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