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“Don’t joke about that shit either.”

Yikes, Preston is intense. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that about him all the years I’ve known him. We were friends in passing, but that was it. He always seemed a little standoffish, but polite and charming. Now I’m seeing a different side to him. He’s not only charming, but he’s one hundred percent alpha male.

God, that’s hot.

A beautiful woman, smaller than me, comes up to me and latches onto my hand and smiles. “Well hey there, I’m Molly, Officer Kane’s wife.” She points over her shoulder at her husband who looks amused by our exchange. He’s a good-looking man, with a buzz cut and tattoos on his neck. “And you, are Officer Thrane’s obsession, Trixie.” She gives me a huge smile and hugs me, squeezing me so tight I almost can’t breathe. Her hair smells like chocolate, and makes me want to know where on earth she got it, because I must have chocolate smelling hair products.

“Um … hi?” I finally say when she lets me go. I take in her appearance. She looks like a fairy; Small nose, big eyes, white blonde hair, and she’s shorter than I am.

“You’re prettier than Thrane said you were. That man has good taste.” She gives me a wink when I blush.

“What are you filling my woman’s head with, Mols?” Preston demands, throwing an arm over my shoulder. I like how he saidmy woman. Swoon.

“Just filling her in on your crazy obsession you’ve had with her over the last six years.” Woah, Preston has liked me that long? I don’t even know what to think of that.

“Shut up,” he grumbles, putting his face into my neck, kissing me softly. “Don’t pay her any mind, she’s a loudmouth.”

I giggle. “It’s okay, Preston, this might sound wrong, but I’ve had a crush on you for years myself. Who wouldn’t, you’re hot.” My whole face heats up. and I bite my lip. I loved Chris, I never cheated on him, and never would have, but I had crushes, and Preston was in my number one spot for years.

“Keep biting that lip, and I’ll be forced to take over,” he whispers in my ear. I shiver as one of his hands rest on my stomach. God, he feels good. He must have read my mind, “Fuck, you feel good in my arms.”

As the night wore on, I found myself having fun with him. We went to a new bar in town, they had great food, drinks, and lots of dancing. Preston didn’t leave my side for a second, and he was so attentive, we talked the night away. We danced, and at one point I swear to God I felt his dick against my stomach. And it washard.

I hate to admit this, but I’ve never had a real orgasm before. At least not when a dick was inside me. I’ve only ever came during clit action. Not even Chris could achieve an O from me, and I know his manhood probably took a hit because of it. I start to wonder if Preston will be my unicorn. And if not, then maybe I’m just broken.

When we get home, I’m suddenly very nervous. We’re going to be truly alone for the rest of the night, and I don’t know if I’m ready to take that plunge into someone else’s bed yet. Thrane must sense my internal struggle as he reaches over the middle console and grabs my hand, pulling it to his lips. “Don’t worry, Trixie, I won’t do anything you won’t let me do. If that means as soon as we get in the house, you run to your room, so be it. But I hope you’ll let me at least taste your pussy first.”

Hot damn, I don’t even know how to respond to that. I squeeze my legs together tightly as the wetness leaks through my panties.

“Can we just have a goodnight kiss instead?” I chew on my bottom lip.

“The ball is in your court, babe. If that’s all you want tonight, that’s all you’ll get. I’ll just have to jack off in the shower once the kiss is finished.” He kisses my hand. “I’ll leave the bathroom door open in case you change your mind.”

Oh shit, I’ve seen his main bathroom shower, it has a see-through glass shower door. Which means if he leaves the bathroom door open and I happen to walk by while he’s in there, I will see him naked.

I might have to lock my bedroom door so I’m not tempted.

We get out of his car and we walk to the front door, hand in hand. The second we’re in the room, I drop my purse on his little table by the door and take off my shoes.

Before I can take off my jacket, Preston has me pressed against his front door and his lips slam on mine. I moan as his hands cup my ass and he grinds his erection into my center. His tongue snakes into my mouth, and suddenly all thoughts of not wanting to go further tonight vanish.

He tears his mouth from mine, “Fuck, I love those little moans you make.” He grinds into me again. And I shove his chest, snapping back to reality.

“I um, I should get to bed, I have to work tomorrow.”

He lets me down slowly, still staring into my eyes. He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead and moves away.

“Goodnight,mysweet Trixie.”

I quickly go up his stairs and slam my bedroom door. I’m not going to be able to resist him for long. My whole body is aching with need right now. I quickly take my clothes off and spread my legs. I gotta take care of myself before I go back out there and jump on his dick.

Chapter 25


Ialmost had her how I wanted her, but I understand why she wasn’t ready just yet. I’ll give her some time, but I don’t know if I can hold out for much longer without having her fully. As I go up the stairs and pass by her room, I hear her moan. My already hard dick strains even more in my jeans.

“Yes, Preston,” she groans out.

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