Page 1 of Always Was Mine

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When the knife comes down at me again and again, I cry out like a little bitch. Vic finally has his revenge against my brother. The two clubs have been at war for ages, the Satan’s could never get a charter in New Brunswick since the Untamed own the whole province, but that wasn’t the same for the Untamed. Hangman has Untamed Charters all over the damn country, even a few in the States. Although the last year or so, I thought the two clubs were somewhat under some sort of truce.

But now, the truce has been broken. Vic was just waiting for a chance to get my brother alone, or in this case, me. “Didn’t want to do this, kid, but your brother needs a fucking lesson.Hewas supposed to make this meeting, notyou,” Vic growls.

I’m barely hanging on, the beating is starting to take its toll on me, as he talks about how he hates Hangman, how he stole members, girls, and cash. Everything feels cold, until I feel nothing at all. I can’t help but wonder if this is truly what it feels like to die. So cold, teeth chattering, that I become so numb to the pain. Even in death I can’t escape my brother. No, that would be too damn easy. I can hear his steely voice in my head, “Told you to be smarter. Shit, you’re a real special form of dumb fuck, aren’t you?” I imagine that is what he’d say if he could see me now. Just as quickly as his voice appeared it fades away.

My mind shifts to Tori, my woman, the family we’re probably never going to have now. All I ever wanted was her, to love and protect her. I cherish her above all else, she is my world, my everything. Thoughts of her are what have kept me holding on this long. When she finally gave me a chance at more than being just her best friend, the first time she told me she loved me, and the first time we made love. The memory that stays with me the longest, the one I’m savoring, is how just the other day I asked her to be my wife and run away together, leave behind my brother, who always manages to keep me in his world and this city. And I pray to God, my brother doesn’t get his hands on her; he’ll make a move on her, now that I’m out of the way. I have seen how he looks at her, not with love, because the only thing he loves, is his club. What choice will she have? No one tells my brother no and lives to tell about it.

Hours later, maybe days, someone saves me. I’m moved and rolled into a hospital; the bright lights shine in my eyes and I give in to the urge to close them. “It will be okay, kid, just hang in there,” I’m told.


My brother destroyed my life. I lived after Vic’s assault on me, but no one knows that except for the hospital and the people who helped me heal after all the surgeries. I suffered head trauma, had multiple stab wounds, and my face was carved up and half the bones in it were shattered. Not a surprise since Vic punched me using brass knuckles. When they, the hospital staff, knew who I was, considering everyone knows I want nothing to do with the club life, they made sure it was all hush-hush. The cop who found me has been trying to get my brother locked up for years, but of course, the system is shit, and he gets out a month or two later, always. He let me stay with him until I was fully healed, and made sure I had wheels and some money to get me out of this place. Of course, if anyone ever actually checked things out they would find the paper trail to my changed my last name. I sent a fake obituary to the town paper for them to publish, and dug up a body from the tunnels Carson buries his victims in. That’s who they’re burying. With a body, my brother will never think to look into anything though.

I see them lower my fake body down into the ground. I notice that my brother must have called in many of the other Charters, because this is the biggest funeral gathering I’ve ever seen, even my own father’s wasn’t this big.

I spot my mother first, she’s on her knees screeching. The only person trying to keep her from going into the grave with the casket is the pastor. No one else in the club will help her; she might be Rage’s old lady now, but she first belonged to my father. When my father was done with her, he handed her over to Rage as a gift, no one knows why the hell he made her his old lady.

Then I see Tori, even in her grief, she’s beautiful. She’s wearing the same black dress she wore when her grandmother passed away; I’m surprised it still fits her. One hand is keeping her long thick blonde curls, that are blowing in the wind, from getting in her face, the other is wiping tears away. As Tori sobs, I wish so badly I could go to her, hold her in my arms and take her away.

But I can’t, not when I’m trying to make sure Carson thinks I’m dead. The last two weeks since he’s found out I was murdered, I watched him not give a flying fuck. He went along with life as if everything was normal. He set me up.

I see red when I watch him grab Tori, bringing her into him, hugging her. Three weeks ago, she was in my arms. I was making love to her, promising her the moon. Now she’s grieving over me, with my fucking brother bringing her comfort in my place.

I know it’s only a matter of time before he steals her away.

I move away from my spot in the trees and head north, away from this town, this province, away from my woman. Off to start over. I’ve heard about the change in Satan’s Law MC, that’s where I’m heading. Starting new, in a place my brother would never think to find me, if he ever was smart enough to realize I wasn’t actually dead.

Once I’m there I’ll be starting plastic surgery on my face, even without the surgery I wouldn’t be recognizable, but I don’t want to look like a freak either, it only takes one person to realize I’m not dead, and I have to do everything I can to stay out of Hangman’s life. Even if that means giving up Tori.

Chapter 1


Itake a swig from the bottle of Jack while the blonde bitch is deep throating my cock. I just got home after a week away picking up the gun shipment from up north. The ride was long and there wasn’t any fuckin’ pussy along the way either. The second I got my ass into the clubhouse, I pulled one of the whores into my room with a bottle, and got to work.

“Am I better than Vicky?” Blondie asks, slurping at my dick.

One thing the whores in the club are never allowed to do, is disrespect any old lady, especially mine. They do, their ass is dead. My old lady knew what she was getting into when she married me, this life isn’t for everyone, and at first, I didn’t think she would be cut out for it.

I love the fuck outta her, but biker life, my life, is what it is. If I want my wife’s pussy, I go home. If I don’t feel like goin’ home, I grab a club girl and fuck her brains out while my Old Lady looks the other way.

I yank Blondie up by her hair and bring her face close to mine.

“What did you just say?” I say, seething.

Her eyes are wide. “I-I-I’m sorry,” she sputters out.

I throw her off me and pull my pants back on. “You know the mother fuckin’ rules, bitch,” I roar at her, punching her in the face. I hear the crunch of her nose breaking as my bedroom door swings open.

“What’s goin’ on, Pres?” Rage, my VP, asks.

“This whore here made a comment about Vicky,” I tell him, pulling my gun from the top of my dresser. I aim it at the whore who is pleading for me to not kill her, and fire it off, hitting her directly between the eyes.

“Clean that shit up.” I throw my hand out toward the bloody mess I just made and walk out of my room to the bar.
