Page 19 of Always Was Mine

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As soon as I see who it is, I stand there in shock. “What are you doing here?” I just saw Trevor an hour ago.

“Tori, that’s not how you treat a guest,” Lilly scolds, sounding so much like her mother in that moment.

“I’m here because you’re here, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me.”

“Yes!” Lilly shrieks from my side. As I say no. Just like I told him the other two times he asked me.

So, this is awkward. Lilly and Trevor are both staring at me, Trevor with a smirk and Lilly with her brow raised, as if she’s trying to threaten me. We stand like this for what seems like forever and finally I give in. “Fine,” I manage to say. “But it’s not a date!”

Trevor just grins as if he’s saying I’m full of shit.

“I mean it. Not a date, we’re friends, friends go out and eat together.”

Trevor, who is still grinning, says, “Sounds good.” Oh god, stop grinning. Why does he have to look so damn hot? “I’ll pick you up at seven.” He lifts my hand and kisses it then walks out. “See you then for our date.” He shouts from the end of the driveway before I can close the door.

“It’s not a date!” I scream over the noise of his bike. I shut the door and look to Lilly who is bouncing. “It’s not a date!” I remind her.

A huge smile lights her face. “Oh, girl, it’s totally a date. I’m gonna call Eden, we’ll have you ready by the time he gets here.”


I can’t believe I let Lilly and Eden talk me into this.

The second Trevor left, Lilly had Vinny take the kids out for the rest of the day so she could help me get ready. Moira was working at the daycare she recently opened up, she used to be a nurse at the hospital but once she started having babies herself, she didn’t want someone else to watch her kids when she could. So she opened up a daycare on the clubs’ property and is loving every second of being surrounded by all the kids she can fit into the building. Eden showed up, took one look at my clothing choice and declared I needed something better for a date. She ended up raiding Lilly’s closet and found a cute red flowy summer dress for me to wear.

Now here I am, at ten minutes to seven waiting for Trevor to arrive. I might be dressed in what the girls forced me wear, but I put my foot down when it came to make-up. I don’t have my own, it’s not something I’ve ever needed, I personally don’t enjoy putting it on and then scrubbing it off later, and I refuse to wear other people's. Gross.

Eden and Lilly are sitting on the steps drinking wine and waiting for Trevor to get here. “You know you don’t have to sit there and wait. There’s a whole house where you could sit,” I tell them.

Lilly giggles and Eden shrugs. “We want to see his face when he gets a look at you. This is like a proud Mom moment for us. I can’t wait to do this with my kids once they start dating.”

“Right, as if Jasper would let your girls date.” Lilly snorts.

I shake my head at them both when I hear a truck pull into the driveway. “Well that sucks, I was hoping he’d bring his bike, so he can growl at watching you try to get on it in that dress, and then try to force you to change.” Eden pouts.

“You’re so weird,” I tell her as I open the door.

“Hey, beautiful.” Trevor smiles warmly at me and grabs my hand. “Don’t wait up for her,” he says, as I’m forced to move with him to his truck.

“Why are you in such a hurry?” I ask him as he opens the door.

“Because I don’t want the Crazy Twins to talk my ear off. Plus, right now, you in that dress, we gotta go out so I’m not tempted to carry you into Lilly’s guest room and have my way with you.”

Oh, shit.


The second she opened the door, I was so tempted to push her up against the wall and kiss her. But I didn’t, because I noticed Eden and Lilly sitting on the stairs in the house, and I wouldn’t appreciate their commentary to my kissing technique.

“So, where are we going?” Tori asks as we drive down the street.

“I figured something casual. Do you like Denny’s?” I know she does, it was our place when we were together.

The excitement on her face shows and she claps her hands together. “Yes, I love their food. I haven’t been there in like twelve years though.” That makes me happy, she hasn’t ever eaten at Denny’s since I ‘died.’ She may have married my brother, but Tori never moved on from me, not really.

“It’s not busy for once, wow,” Tori says in shock as we pull into the parking lot. “One of the reasons I’ve always avoided Denny’s is because every time I drive by the place, the parking lot is constantly packed.”

“Yeah, usually this time of evening it’s pretty much a ghost town.”
