Page 24 of Always Was Mine

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“We will in a few, there’s still time before the party starts,” I tell her, kissing her forehead, then roll off her.

“So, what’s this party for anyways?” she asks me.

“It’s just a huge family thing we have once in awhile. This time Corinne and Melissa are coming up, you’ll like them.”

“I’ve heard their names mentioned a few times, who are they exactly?”

“The club saved them before I joined up, it was their first case actually. Corinne was raped constantly, drugged, and they had Melissa, who was younger, watch it happen. Once the club found out about it, they stormed in, and got those girls outta there, and ended up practically adopting them. They lived with us in the back building of the compound until they moved out on their own. We also know that Corinne is dating, but not dating, her boss, Blake, who we know and think the guy is the shit. Half the cases we get come from him.”

“Wait, dating but not dating?” Tori asks me, confused.

I laugh and kiss her nose. “He wants her, she wants him, but she’s stubborn. He found out she was coming this weekend, and she’ll find out this morning he’s the one bringing her. He doesn’t want her out of his sight.”

She smiles at me. “I can’t wait to meet them all. This will be fun.”

I slap her ass and drag her out of bed. “Get dressed, we’ll go get something to eat. We’re taking my bike, need to take you on a ride finally. Then we’ll head over to the clubhouse to set up.”

She smiles and runs to her bag to grab clothes. Clothes I wish were hung up in my closet or in my dresser. It’ll happen soon, I just wish it would happen now.

I haven’t taken her on the bike yet. Usually she’s wearing a dress when we go on dates, and I ain’t letting no one see her like that on my bike. Other times, we don’t even make it out of the house for an actual date because my dick hurts too much so I have to just take her. Those times we end up just ordering in, watching a movie and fucking a few times before bed.

I still haven’t told her the truth about me yet. She’s finally now admitting she’s in love with me, and if I tell her, the progress I’ve made to have her back will be for nothing. I’ll tell her soon, I just need to find the right time. And right now isn’t it. I’m hoping her divorce becomes finalized before I have to say anything. I don’t want to have to worry about having to see Hangman ever again.

Chapter 14


I’m helping to set up when Trevor comes in and smiles at me. “Beautiful, they’re here. Come on, I want you to meet them!”

He pulls me to the main space. He lets go of my hand and rushes over to the beautiful blonde, curvy woman.

“Who ya lookin’ for, Rin?” Trevor says from behind her.

“Just your balls,” she shoots back, which makes me giggle.

His arms go around her and she squeals as he scoops her up, hugging her.

He moves away from her and grabs my hand, bringing me forward.

“Rin, this is Tori,” he says proudly.

I blush and stick out my hand. “Rin? Nice to meet you.”

“You too, but everyone calls me Cori. This loser here is the only one to call me Rin,” she says, smiling at me.

“Cori!” I hear Jasper shout across the room. He looks happy, his face filled with joy as he carries around a pile of kids that are climbing all over him, and cradles his newest daughter in his arms.

“Nice brood you got there,” Cori says.

“Wanna hold one?”

Her eyes widen in horror and she takes a step back. “Oh, hell no.”

“Oh, come on. You can’t still be freaked out about kids,” Trevor quips, sounding amused.

Before Cori can even blink, Jasper hands her the baby, and the second she is in her arms, she makes a weird noise that has everyone backing up. We know that sound, every time the baby makes it, we back away otherwise we’re all covered in vomit.

“Oh, shit!” Jasper says suddenly.
