Page 36 of Always Was Mine

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I stare at him in shock, he’s never once asked me, he’s always just either told me or started right into a conversation I never wanted. I nod.

“I should have known, I even ID’d the damn body, I swore it was him.”

“We all should have known.”

“Can’t say I’m pissed, can’t say I’m happy. I don’t know how to feel right now. Yeah, I’m fuckin’ pissed he played us like this. If he wanted out, I would have let him out. He didn’t need to go through the trouble of faking his own death.” He scratches at his beard.

“Can I ask how it all happened? He told me he had an errand to run for you and then that night we were going to get married and take off together, but then he never showed at our spot. Next thing I knew he was dead.” When I first asked Carson years ago about what happened, he just said it was an accident, he was just supposed to drop off some money and leave. That was all I ever got.

“I knew Vic was gunnin’ for me, I didn’t think that he would harm Trevor, ever. Boy just turned eighteen the day before, plus Vic knew that Trevor wasn’t part of the club. But I was wrong, Trevor was a message to me that Vic would do anything and hurt anyone to get to me.”

I like that he’s finally being honest with me although this is a bit awkward for me, us talking like this. Usually it’s yes or no, then we have sex. We don’t ever really talk.

He’s quiet for a few minutes. “I’m giving you the divorce,” he finally says.

Hope blooms inside me, I jump up and hug him tight. “Thank you, Carson,” I whisper.

His arms come around me. “I just have a stipulation.”

I still, worried he’s going to tell me I can’t be with Trevor.

“Until it’s finalized, I want you to stay here, I want you to tell me all you know about Trevor now, my daughter I never knew.”

“I can do that,” I tell him. That should be easy, because once he signs those papers, it’s just a matter of when the final divorce certificate comes in the mail. Could be days, a week, or a month.

He studies me. “You never loved me, did you?”

I chew my lip. “I did, in my own way. You know I didn’t love you at first, not the way I loved Trevor. It grew. But the more hurt I got about you screwing around on me, the more the love died.”

He nods.

“Maybe one day, you’ll find your true love? But maybe don’t—oh, I don’t know—cheat on her.” I give him a small smile and a wink.

“Or I just need to find a stronger woman, who doesn’t give a shit,” he mutters.

Those words should hurt, but they don’t. I just chuckle. “Never know.” I have hope that one day he will find a good woman, and he’ll be loyal. “Just remember, though, can’t be one sided. If you screw around, you can’t expect your woman not to as well.”

“You sound like Trevor right now.” He laughs. “Used to tell me to just be in one of them open or plural relationships instead of fucking around behind girls’ backs.”

I giggle, I remembered hearing about that too, but back then I don’t think I ever knew Hangman to have a steady girl before me.

He turns me back to the couch and we sit.

“My daughter, you said her name was Melissa? Tell me about her. Please.”

I smile at him. “She’s beautiful. The Angels saved her and her older sister from a bad place when they were kids. Has lived with them since. She’s also has a little girl, so yay, you’re a grandpa.” I laugh.

He groans. “Great, not even fuckin’ forty yet, and I’m a grandpa. Fuck.”

I give him the rest. He gets angry for a while when I tell him about the abuse that happened to Corinne, how Melissa had to watch it all. Telling him what I knew of their mother.

“I can’t take anymore, fuck, I’ll get Maker to give me a file on everything another time. Fuckin’ slut Luanne.” I’m fearful, I know what he’s like, and I know if he gets his hands on her, she’s dead. But at the same time, that woman deserves the hell coming her way and more.

“Tell me about Trevor,” he finally asks.

I grab my phone and find a picture we took together a month ago. “This is what he looks like now.”

He takes the phone and frowns. “He was always a preppy shit head, now he’s some hipster emo fuck head?”
