Page 18 of Twisted Up In Us

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“Just shut up and accept it. I bought you a building. It’ll take four to six months for all the renovations, you just gotta approve the plans for what you want and think of a name.”

“You bought me a building? Think of a name? What?” I ask, confused.

“Your restaurant. You’re a fuckin’ good cook, and you told me yourself your dream is to run your own place, so I’m doin’ that for you. We’ll go tomorrow to look at the space, you look at the plans and pick one, so the construction team can get on it.”

I burst out crying. Originally my dream was to be a nurse, and I busted my ass to finish my nursing degree, but once I held that paper in my hand, the love for that line of work vanished. I felt like shit that I wasted all that money to get a nursing degree, and in the end, I realized it wasn’t what I really wanted at all.

“Fuck kid, what’s the matter with you?”

“Y-y-you bought me a restaurant, you bought me a car, y-y-you.” I sob as he pulls me into his arms and hugs me tight.

“Love you kid, you’re mine. I take care of what’s mine, and I have a lot of making up for, so shut up and don’t argue with me about that shit anymore. Might not a known about you, but still gonna do all I can to make sure you’re livin’ wild and free, baby.”

“I love you too, Daddy,” I whisper into his chest, and his arms tighten slightly when I call him that. “I seriously have the best Dad ever, thank you for loving me.”

“It’s not a hardship kid,” he replies gruffly back to me and kisses the top of my head.


A Week Later

My phone rings as I finish getting dressed and I see that it’s Cori. I smile. “Hey big sis.”

“Hey, Melly, I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”

“Well, since we miss each other you should just come home.”

I chuckle and shake my head, even though she can’t see me. “Cori, I don’t know. I’m actually liking it here.”

“What?” she shouts at me. “You weren’t supposed to stay there, you just wanted time to stop hurting. I got that, but you can’t stay there. I need you here. With me. I’m due any day now, you need to come home.”

“Cori, I love you, you’ve always looked out for me, and we’ll visit, but right now, I’m happy where I am.”

“Look, I need to talk to you about Dray.”

“Stop, please don’t. I don’t want to talk about him, I’m moving on.”

“You can’t move on! It’s not what you think, I promise, just listen.”

“Cori, stop. I love you, you’re my sister, but I’m not talking about Dray with you. I’ll contact him, eventually, so he can have a relationship with Mikayla, but I’m done. He hurt me, I was the other woman,” I tell her, tearing up.

“Melly, please just hear me out.”

I hear Mikayla calling for me. “Sorry, but I can’t. I have to go. Call me when you have the baby, I want pictures.” I shut my phone off and toss it on my bed. Why on earth does she seem to be on Dray’s side now? She’s supposed to be on mine. Yeah, I get it that I’ve stayed away longer than I thought I would, but I’m loving the life I’m building here.

Last week, Dad took me to look at the building he bought for my restaurant. I was shocked! The place looked like a total dump, and so did the entire surrounding area. Dad saw the look on my face and laughed, reassuring me that everything would be fine. Apparently, the entire neighborhood was bought out, every single building and house would be torn down and rebuilt as something else. Supposedly there was plans for a strip mall, a few condos and even a hotel. So far, I would be the only place besides the hotel that would offer food.

Once I heard all about the plans, I became extremely happy. On a bad note, the building Dad bought was being torn down also, which means there is no way a restaurant will be up and running any time soon, especially not with all the surrounding construction that will be going on as well. Demolition starts tomorrow for the entire area. So roughly, we’re looking at about seven to eight months before everything is up and running properly. That is, as long as we don’t run into any issues along the way. Giving me plenty of time to pick out color schemes and how I want everything set up, as well as hire staff.

Mikayla throws a few toys at me, and I smile at her.

“Come on baby, let’s go to the store,” I say sweetly as I pick her up from the floor where she was playing.


“Hey there,” a woman says, coming up to me.

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