Page 2 of Twisted Up In Us

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Chapter 1


Can this week get any worse?First my wedding day was ruined when I found out that Dray had a whole other family.How could I not have known that he had another family, another life? How could he have not mentioned that he had other children?

As if that wasn’t enough, my father, the man I never knew, the one that didn’t even know I existed, showed up, bringing along the estranged wife of the two-timing, dick-faced asshole.

How Dray thought we could get married was beyond me. Didn’t he know our marriage wouldn’t be legal? Didn’t he know he’d most likely go to prison for bigamy?

Dray has tried calling me, multiple times a day. Leaving me countless text messages and voicemails. But I delete each and every one of them without reading or listening to them. I don’t want to hear his excuses. There is nothing he can say to defend what he has done. He lied to me.

That’s not love.

I finish packing up the last of our things and drag the bags to the front door. “What are you doing, Melly?” Cori asks, looking worried. I love my sister, more than anything. She’s happily married now, with a child of her own on the way, and I don’t want her to worry about me anymore. She’s worried over me since we were children.

“Um, Carson said I could live with him,” I say hesitantly. Discovering who my father was, was a shock, but at least now both Cori and I finally know, considering our bitch mom was never going to tell us.

Her brows furrow in concern. “You don’t even know this guy. And from what the guys say, he’s bad news.”

I shrug. “I know, okay, I know. But even Tori vouched for him, saying he was a good father, so at least that’s something. And this will be like a getting to know you sort of thing. I just need to get away. Somewhere Dray won’t look for me. I can’t stay here and be reminded of him day in and day out.”

Tears well up in her eyes. “Remember though, that’s Dray’s daughter too. He might be an asshole right now, but you can’t shut him out of her life.” Being pregnant and married sure has changed Cori. Gone is her snarky personality—it’s like she was replaced by an alien.

“He doesn’t give a shit about his other kids, doubt he’ll care about her. I’m not putting her through that. He can kiss my ass,” I tell her angrily. She should know how this feels; we both grew up with missing fathers that never gave a fuck to even find out about us. I’m not putting Mikayla through that pain.

I can tell Cori wants to say more but instead just gives me a sad smile. She comes to me, pulling me tight for a hug. “Call me? Often?”

“Of course,” I choke out, my face resting on her shoulder. “I’ll come back…eventually. I promise. I just need to go. I can’t be here right now.” I can’t chance running into Dray. He made a fool of me.

Cori helps me down to the front of the building with my bags, while I carry Mikayla and her suitcase. Carson, my dad, is standing against his truck waiting for us. He calls it a cage, which is strange to me, but whatever. He takes everything from Cori and me, telling me to get in. He still kind of scares me. I never would have known that he and Trevor were brothers, because they look nothing alike. They have the same height but where Trevor is a scrawny hipster, Carson is built more like a bodybuilder. Long shaggy brown hair and a giant messy beard. I almost wonder if I could convince him to get a haircut and a beard trim. Because he looks like something out of a horror movie right now.

Buckling Mikayla up, I turn back to Cori, giving her one last hug goodbye. “Don’t tell Dray, please. Just let him know I’m gone if he keeps harassing.”

Cori nods and kisses me on the cheek.

“I’ll miss you, both of you,” Cori tells me as she steps away from the truck, waving and blowing kisses to Mikayla.

Carson gives my sister a grin paired with a wink, and we leave. Off to the other side of the country to get away from Dray and to finally have a father.

Chapter 2


Took a week, but we’re finally here. We had to stop more often because of Mikayla, but Carson didn’t seem to mind. My father’s house looks typical, not what I was expecting at all. We didn’t really talk much on the drive; it was sort of awkward. But thankfully Mikayla babbled away in the back seat and entertained us for most of the drive.

Carson walks me into his house and I look around. It’s simple, and there isn’t anything illegal here, at least not what I can see. It looks basic, even basic colors of brown and grey on the walls all around. From standing in the entry way I can see there is a basement that looks like it’s unfinished.

Walking down the hall, I notice a large family room connected to a dining room, then kitchen. Going to the left is another hallway with a large bathroom and a few bedrooms.

“Mikayla’s room is right here. Had the guys come while we drove to get it done up. I told those fucks she was just a baby so not to get anything she could choke on.” He opens the door and its painted pink with white stripes. There’s a toddler bed all set up in the middle of the room, it even has aFrozencanopy. The bed has so many stuffed toys on it that it makes me wonder if there’ll be room for Mikayla to sleep in it. At the end of the bed is a toy box overflowing with so many toys that I swear they must have went to Toys R Us and bought the store out.

And of course, for a final touch, there’s a pink TV anchored on the wall.

“Wow.” Mikayla squirms in my arms, wanting down. She waddles over to the toys on the floor and plops down to play. I smile up at my father. “You didn’t have to do all this.”

“Yeah, sort of did, kid. You’re mine, I take care of what’s mine,” he says gruffly. He pulls me along to another room, just beside Mikayla’s and opens that door. “This is yours. I wasn’t sure what you were into, but Cori told me you were a fan of reds and black, so I passed that shit onto the guys and they did this.”

Looking around, I want to cry. It’s so beautiful. The walls to the left and right are black, the walls that my bed is against and at my back are red. There is a plush red and black bedding set on the bed and a huge TV is mounted on the wall. A black dresser with the handles painted red, and a giant red-trimmed mirror is against the black wall to the left.
