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“Did you tell your friend that you were leaving today?” She asks.

“Yes, I talked to Layla on the phone last night. She was sad that I was leaving, but she understands my need to start over.”

Gayle nods. “Well you best get going. I don’t feel comfortable with you driving in the dark.” I laugh, Gayle has always been like that. If I had to work late she would panic. She lost her daughter a few years ago in a car accident, and while I don’t know all of the details, I do know that it happened at night.

I give Gayle one last hug and climb into my car. I back slowly out of the driveway and start my way to my new life.



I wake up deciding that I need to talk to Rylie. I don’t know if she told me she was moving just to throw me off or not, but I’m gonna find out. I get down to my car and call up Nikki. I don’t need Layla on my ass about this shit. Layla is the definition of nosey.

“What?” Nikkihisses into the phone. I shake my head;morning doesn’t suit her.

I take in a deep breath. “Where does Rylie live?”

“What the fuck? It’s eight in the god damned morning.”

“Nikki, just tell me.”

“Ugh, fine.” She tells me the address, and then hangs up without even saying goodbye.

Miss Grumpy Pants. Gee.

I turn right onto her street, and slow down to look at all of the houses. “706, 710, 714,” I keep looking for house number 718. There it is. Instead of stopping, I peel off and clench the steering wheel. “Fuck!” I slam on my brakes and quickly turn back. I have to do this.

When I pull up to the house, I notice an older woman walking inside. Nikki better have given me the right address. I slowly pull up behind a black truck in the driveway and get out. I don’t even make it to the front doorbefore the older woman comes back out.

“Can I help you?” She asks.

“Um yeah, I’m looking for Rylie.” I look down and kick the rock by my feet.

“Sorry,” The woman sadly says, “you just missed her. She left a few minutes ago.”

I rub my face and run my hands through my hair. “Do you know when she’ll be back?” Please tell me she’s coming back.

The woman looks at me with sadness in her eyes. I know the answer. “She won’t be coming back, hon. She said she needed a fresh start, somewhere new.”

“Thanks.” I mutter and walk back to my car.

I get back in and punch the shit out of my steering wheel.I missed my shot.

Chapter 7

Three Years Later


I have been back in Melbourne for nearly a year now. Mum has been on my ass to move back ever since I graduated, but I was enjoying the time on my own. I love my parents, but they like to be all up in my shit. Mum is, by far, the worst of the two, especially, when it comes to my personal life. She wants grandchildren, and she wants them now. She keeps bringing home girls from the country club for me to meet, but she must be screwed in the head if she thinks that I would ever settle for one of those snotty bitches. Dad finally had to put his foot down a few months back about it. Dad may have money now, but he wasn’t born with it. Some of the dicks at the club won’t let him forget that either. When Mum made the mistake of bringing one of their daughters to the house, he got pissed. He made sure to tell her that no more stuck up bitches would be allowed in his house!

Mum has never really been into the rich scene. Yeah she has money, but she’s really down to earth.She doesn’t care what or where people come from, as long as they are good people. Those girls she tries to get me to go out with must show her a different side to them. I’ve seen a few of them around before she brought them to me, and I know that they are bitches and gold diggers, always staring down their noses at those will less money.

I haven’t heard from the guys in a while. They are all busy with their lives and popping out children. When I moved last year, they threw me a big party, and we all said we’d keep in touch, but over the last few months, those calls are happening less and less. In a way I’m happy because all they talk about these days is how happy their lives are. I’m happy that they have found what they have, but I can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. Over the last few years, I’ve constantly wondered about Rylie. It feels stupid, because I only knew her briefly, and during that brief time, she didn’t even give me the time of day. I’ve asked Layla about her often, but even she lost contact with Rylie after the first year she moved away. The last Layla heard was that Rylie was managing a high end salon.

Later on in the day, I am walking out of the coffee shop when I see a hot babe with dreads walk by. My mind instantly goes to Rylie, and I unconsciously start to follow the chick. I have not seen Rylie for years, but I have heard mumblings that she’s living here now and actually just opened up her own salon. I follow her for a few blocks, before the woman enters a shop called X-treme Hair. I never had a chance to see the woman’s face, but there is no doubt in my mind that itis Rylie. Maybe Mum won’t be waiting on those grandchildren for too much longer.

