Page 15 of Derek

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“Good Morning.” He says with a smile that makes me want to drop my panties.

He cannot just show up here.I feel nervous around him. I hate this feeling. I look at him. His eyes are so damn mysterious and always pull me in. A part of me is shouting at me to trust him, but how can I trust anyone else? “What are you doing here?” I say in a tone that sounds bitter to even my ears.

He starts laughing and points at the clock. I look at it and realize that he has an appointment with me. “Oh! Derek! I’m sorry. It’s been so busy today!”

He looks at me again with that smile, and I squeeze my thighs together. What the hell? Even with just one look he has this effect on me. Crap. I’m going to be in so much trouble if I let him get to me. I take a deep breath, but I can’t talk. I see him smiling at me again. He’s staring at me and I know this is making him laugh. Ugh, get it together Rylie!

“It’s alright, beautiful.”

I give him a smile. “Thanks Derek, sorry for being rude. It’s just been a long morning.”

He brings his hand to my shoulder and I quickly tense up. He looks at me, but doesn’t ask what’s wrong. I can’t move. God this feeling needs to stop. I cannot be afraid like this. I slowly breathe in and out through my nose. Derek is looking at me and there is nothing but comfort in his eyes. I start to relax a little. He can tell that I’m starting to calm down, and begins to talk. “No worries. Do you want me to come back or something?”

“No, no it’s okay! Come on back with me.”

“Yes ma’am.” He says sounding cocky.

I start walking and he follows. I turn my head to the side, “I really need to hire more staff.”

“Is it only you, Mel, and Erika?” he asks, raising his eyebrow.

“Yeah, as I said, I need to hire more. We’re already booked months out and that list isn’t getting any shorter.”

He sits in the chair while I put the cape over him and start trimming up his hair. “You should put an ad in the paper. Hell, I can even mention it at work. I think one of the guys has a sister that’s a stylist and is out of work right now.”

“That’s… wow, thanks.”

I spray his hair with water and start to comb it. His silky brown hair is soft between my fingers. I could play with it all day. I pay attention to what I’m doing, but can’t help but look at him. He’s on his phone and I try to peek down and see who he is texting. It looks like an email. I shouldn’t care. It’s not like he’s my man or anything, but he could at least stay off his phone. Ugh, rude.

“Annoyed Rylie?”


He smiles. “I can see you looking at me. Like what you see beautiful? Because I certainly can sit here all day, every day, and let you play with my hair.” He starts to smirk, “Maybe you can play with something else.”

Oh. My. God. Did he just say that to me? I feel my face getting hot and I get shy. Usually, I would get mad with a disgusting comment like that, but coming from Derek, it’s so sexy. “Please Derek. I’m just here to get your hair looking good.” I can play this game. “And I don’t know what you are referring to,” I say innocently.

“How is your day going?” He asks changing the subject.

I continue combing his hair, “It’s alright. Just stressful.” Why does he keep looking at me like that?

“You know,” he starts to say, “I can make you feel better.” His deep and sexy voice sends chills down my spine. I have to keep my focus. I don’t want him to know that he’s getting to me. Keep your cool, Rylie. You need to play hard to get.

“Oh Derek. Don’t flatter yourself.” I stifle a laugh and see that he’s staring at me with his intense eyes.

Once I’m done combing his hair, I take out my scissors and cut away. With each clip, I start to feel calm, but then when he looks at me, everything tightens right back up again. I look up and see him staring at me with a heated desire laced in his eyes. I’m scared to admit to myself that I feel the same way. I want Derek. He pulls me in, engages me, and I like to be around him, but I just cannot bring myself to trust another man. I sigh and finish up his hair cut.

When we are done, he gets up and takes out his wallet. “On the house. You bring me coffee and I’ll cut your hair.” Oh. My. God. Did I just say that? I don’t even like coffee. I look away, but Derek takes my hand and smiles. He gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

As he walks out of the door, I stand there with my mouth slightly open. What. The. Fuck. Did Derek just kiss me? I cannot take my eyes off the door. I run my hands over my face and turn away from the door to start cleaning. A few moments pass before I come out of my stupor and hand over the coffee to Erika.


The next day is about the same; work is busy and I feel like I am functioning on auto pilot.

Everyone decided to come in today. I did so many cuts and colors. One lady even put up a fight because she wanted me to cut her hair short and add in electric blue highlights. I looked at my fifty year old, dark brown hair, green eyed, petite and slightly overweight client, and tried to reason with her, but she was convinced that this was going to be good. Oh, was she ever wrong. After I was done, she looked at herself in the mirror, and busted out crying. Sobbing, she got up out of the chair and hugged me while I listened to her sob story for twenty solid minutes, effectively pissing off my other clients over having to wait.

After the last client leaves, I make the decision to shut down the salon for an hour. I tell Erika to go relax and be back at one. I grab my purse, head to a small café across the street and order two turkey sandwiches with lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise. The lady at the counter asks what type of roll I want, and I stand there like an idiot because I have no idea what to say. Well, he works out and is fit, so he must like wheat or multigrain. She lets out a loud sigh, so I know I am bothering her by wasting her time. I flash a smile and ask for both sandwiches to be on their multigrain bread. While she is making my order, I grab two bottles of water and two pieces of fruit. I pay for both orders and head over to where Derek is working.
