Page 18 of Derek

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I turn around to head back toward our table, but there Derek is, standing in front of me. Before I can say anything, he grabs my hips and drags me to the dance floor.Like a G6is playing and everyone around us goes wild, but all I see is Derek. His eyes bore deep into mine, and all I can see is desire and lust radiating from them. I feel his fingers grip my hips tighter and tighter as we move to the music. I wrap my arms around his neck for a few moments before slowly, sultrily turning around and beginning to grind my ass into him. As I start moving down, his hands begin to roam over my body, causing me to close my eyes and let the music take me away.

“If you keep dancing like this, I will take you right here on the dance floor,” he growls in my ear.

I keep dancing, daring him to do something- anything.

Derek pulls me in closer. His hips move in time with mine and it’s as though we’re together as one.When the DJ switches to a song with a slower beat, I decide that I need to get something to drink in order to break up the hold that Derek has on my body. Dancing with Derek tonight has been amazing, but slow dancing with him is not something that I can handle tonight. It’s just too intimate and I’m not ready for that yet, maybe not ever.

“Come on sexy. You owe me a drink!”

We make our way through the crowd when some dumbass grabs my arm, “Come on. Let’s dance.”

I pull my arm away, but before I can say anything, Derek pushes me to the side and punches the jerk in the face. “Listenasshole. Don’t youevertouch her again! Do I make myself clear?” Derek grabs the guy by the collar of his shirt and throws him onto the crowd. I run up to Derek and pull him away.

“Come on, let’s go.” I take his hand and we head out of the club.

The night air is cool this evening, and there are people everywhere outside laughing and smiling. Some are in groups walking in and out of the clubs. There is one couple making out on the side of the street. Damn, some people just don’t care. I peek out the corner of my eyes and see Derek. He looks so mad. I give him more time to cool down before putting my hand in his. “You okay?” he grunts. I love this side of him. I wonder more about Derek and how we easily fit together. As we round a corner, I can see a diner coming up and I start to feel hungry. “Come on, let’s go eat.”

“What about Mel?” Derek says, pausing our steps.

“She’ll be fine. Once she finds a man, I never see her again, anyways.” And it’s true. The minute she latches onto a man at the clubs, she’s gone, never to be heard from again, until the next work day that is.

We walk through the glassdoors and see that there are empty booths everywhere—perfect. I also notice that the diner is nice and quiet as an older brown haired woman walks up to greet us. “Two?”

“Yes please,” I respond.

She grabs two menus and some silverware that’s wrapped with a thick paper napkin, “Follow me, doll.” We follow her to a booth in the back of the diner, and sit down on opposite sides. The hostess gives us our menus, “Look it over and Chy will be with you soon.”

Derek puts the menu down and looks at me. “You alright?”

I nod.

“Sorry about tonight, babe. I didn’t want this shit to happen. That prick deserved to get decked.”

“Hey,” I start to say, “Don’t worry about it, ok? Let’s just order some food.”

A young red head comes over and we both order a turkey sandwich on a multigrain roll. When she leaves, I notice Derek staring at me. “Why do you keep looking at me?”

He shakes his head, “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

“Stop.” I look away. I can’t do this. I don’t want to drag him through this. “Derek,” I beginto say, “I just want us to be friends. Can you accept that?”

“Not a chance, Ry. You will be mine, sooner rather than later. The first in you give me…I’m taking it.”

The waitress comes back over and puts our plates in front of us.She lingers for a few minutes beside our table, and I think she is hoping that Derek will notice her, because she doesn’t look at me once. Instead, she just openly stares at Derek with a flirty smile until he finally brushes her off and she leaves our table in a huff.

The whole uncomfortable scene makes me lose my appetite, and we spend the rest of our dinner eating in silence.When Derek is through, he pays for our check then drives me home in his black Toyota Camry. I sort of made fun of him for it. I was expecting some sports car, or a super cool luxury car, but definitely not a Mum car. Derek turns the tables by asking me what kind of car I drive, and I instantly shut up. It’s not much cooler than his, because it happens to be the same flippen’ car. Only mine is silver.

He gets me home and walks me to my door. “I had fun, minus the face punching of that guy, but otherwise I had a really great time.” I say to him as I give him a small hug.

I go to step back, but he doesn’t let go. I am able to push back just far enough to look at him. “I’m not going to kiss you Rylie, because I don’t think you’re ready, but soon.” He leans in and softly kisses my forehead and leaves.

Shit, maybe I’m in trouble here.



I’m driving home, thinking about our conversation. Maybe telling Rylie she was going to be mine was a bad idea, but I can’t help how I feel. The way she was moving on that dance floor; it made me so hard. Maybe I came on too strong. I don’t want to scare her off before I finally have her.
