Page 23 of Derek

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“Nope,we actually just made it official last week. Isn’t that right babe?” Derek says, smiling down at me.

I lean overand softly whisper in his ear. “Thank you.” He gives me a reassuring squeeze.

About half way through our meal, I excuse myself and go to the restroom. After I finish drying off my hands, I walk out into the hall, and right into Connor. He was obviously standing there waiting for me. My fight or flight response kicks in, and I attempt to quickly walk by him while flashing a small smile, but before I can get past him, he grabs my arm. “Too bad you’re dating Derek now. We would have been good together. Although… just make sure when he dumps your ass that you come find me first.” UGH. Fuck this guy and his level ten creep factor.

“Get out of my way,” I push Connor against the wall. He looks surprised. I leave without letting him say anything else. What the hell is his problem?

Ifinally make my way back to the table and snuggle up against Derek’s waiting embrace. Closing my eyes, I hold on to his hand as tightly as possible. I know he can tell something is wrong,but when he asks, I just shake my head and smile. I’m not going to tell him that his friend is a douche bag. He will have to find that bit of information out on his own.

Chapter 14


We finish up eating and the guys take care of the bill. Derek and I are still acting like a couple, because Connor keeps staring at me, and it is really freaking me out. Finally, it’s time to say goodnight, and the guys decide to walk us to my car.

Connor looks at his phone and sighs. “Kiss your woman goodbye already. I need to get to the office. Stupid Anderson fucked something up.”

I freeze, Derek really isn’t going to kiss me is he? Derek looks at mefor a moment, before softly bringing his head down and placing his lips right above mine. A breath of a second passes before his lips touch mine, causing me to let out a soft moan. The kiss deepens and I feel his tongue invade my mouth. Holy shit. My hands find themselves working their way up his chest and wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. I need more…

Our passionatekiss is interrupted when Mel throws a bucket of cold ice water on our moment,, “Ok kids, no fucking in the parking lot. Holy shit, that kiss looked hot! I need to go home to B.O.B.”

Reluctantly letting go,I step back shakily from Derek, and notice that he’s looking at me with an open hunger emitting from his eyes. It’s almost as if he wants to finish what we just started. What has gotten in to me? “I’ll, um, see you later.” I say, not meeting his eyes.

I barely get a half of a step away, before he pulls me into him again. “First fucking inkling.” He says, hugging me tight. After what feels like forever, Derek kisses me on the forehead then walks away.

Isomehow manage to pull myself together and get in my car, only to be greeted with, “Well, was that kiss as hot as it looked?” And I know I can’t lie to her.

“Oh my god Mel… That was the best kiss I’ve ever had!”

“Still thinking about beingjust friends with him?” No. Yes. No. Fuck.

“Shut up Mel.” Ihuff at her as I pull out of the parking lot.

Eventually,I drop Mel off and head home. I notice a black Camry in my driveway as I pull up, and instantly know who it is. Derek. What’s he doing here?

“Hey.” I say, sounding confused as I get out of my car.

“Hey, I brought over some popcorn and a movie. What doya say?” he asks, sounding hopeful.

I check my cell phone to see the time. Only nine. “Ok, sounds good.” I make my way to my front door and unlock it. Once we’re both in and the door is closed, I realize I never told him where I lived. Whenever we’ve been together it’s either out in public or we go to Mel’s. “How did you know where I lived?”

“I followed you home one night after supper. Wanted to make sure you got in ok.”

Oh. Well. There you have it. I shrug off my coat and hang it in the closet. “I’m just gonna go get changed. Be right back.”

I change into my fuzzy zebra print pajama bottoms and a white tank top, throw my hair up in a ponytail, and go back downstairs. I notice Derek in the kitchen starting the popcorn.

“Hey, you want anything to drink?” I ask him as I walk in the room.

“Do you have coffee? I usually have a few cups throughout the day, but only got onein today.”

Shit. He’s been buying me coffee every day for months now and Ihave yet to have the heart to tell him that I don’t drink the stuff. “Uh sorry, no. I actually don’t like coffee.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “Wait, I’ve been buying you coffee and you’ve never said anything.”

“Um, yeah, sorry. I’ve been giving the coffee to Erika after you leave.” God, I’m a terrible person.

“You should have told me.” He says shaking his head. “What do you like then?”
