Page 47 of Derek

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I walk into Derek’s office wearing my low cut red mini dress; cleavage, popped out just right, paired with subtle make up, since that seems to be what he likes. “Derek.” I purr.

“Cecily. What can I help you with?” he says without looking up from his screen.

I walk over to his chair and put my arm on his shoulder. “What can’t you help me with?” I say quietly.

Derek stands up. “Cecily, we’ve talked about this. I’m with Rylie. I don’t want you,and I never have.”

I walk toward him as he stands his ground.

“Do you really want someone with all the baggage Rylie has? Or do you want someone that is perfect for you?” I say to him.

“Rylie is perfect for me, Cecily. You need to back off.” He says, his voice rising.

I check the time on the desk, and quickly push him into his chair. I climb onto his lap, as his hands go to my hips to start pushing me off him. I hear the door open, and feel Derek go still-- Perfect timing. I bring my mouth to his and let out a moan. The second I moan out, I’m shoved to the floor.

“What thehell is wrong with you?” Derek yells at me.

“Derek I-“I’m cut off.

“Fuck you! I knew you were a bitch, but I didn’t think you were this much of a bitch! You might want to pack your desk up! I’m going to Phil,and you’ll be gone by the end of the day.” He says as he walks out of the office.

Shit, it didn’t work. Or maybe it did. Rylie was here, and she saw what happened. Let’s see Derek try to fix this.



I’m on my way to see Derek, and as much as I fought us being together, I can’t help but get butterflies every time I think of him, or see him. I dress up in my black halter dress, and my pink converse shoes. Today I’m going to tell him that I’m in love with him. Yes, I’ve been scared, but he has proven himself over and over again with me. I know that he’ll handle me with care, and he will never hurt me.

I walk into the building and notice the evil Cecily is not at her desk. Good, I won’t have to feel her stare today. I don’t bother knocking on Derek’s door, because he always tells me to just come in anyways, but when I open it, my heart sinks. Cecily is in Derek’s lap and they are kissing. What the fuck?

This feels like Déjà vu. I remember walking in on Caleb with his receptionist once. I quickly run out of the building and back to my shop. I didn’t realize I was crying until Melody and Erika bothasks me what’s wrong.

“I walked in on Derek cheating on me.” I sob.

“You walked in on what?” I hear someone screech. I turn around and Elizabeth is there.

“Elizabeth.” I whisper out, through my tears.

“Sweetheart, tell me what you saw.” She says gently. I tell her what happened at his office. “That little punk! He’s not too big to get put over my knee.” She says as she storms out of the salon.

I turn to the girls. “Are you ok here for the rest of the day?”

“Yes, babe, you need to go home. I’ll call in Ronnie and see if she’ll cover your clients for the afternoon.” Melody says.

I grab my purse and head out to my car. As I’m just about in the car, I hear my name. “Rylie.” It’s Derek. I look over and see him running my way.

I quickly get into my car and slam the door shut and lock it, as I start up my car. He makes it to my window before I take off.

“Baby, that scene was not what you thought.” He yells through the window.

The tears fall down my face as I take off. I don’t bother looking back at him. He just destroyed me. This is how it started with Caleb. He cheated, I found out, tried to leave and he’d beat me. I’m not risking that with Derek.



I come back from Phil’s office. He said he’ll have Cecily cleared out by the end of the day. I go back to my office pissed. I need to find Rylie. I know that it was her who opened the door. I need her to know that it wasn’t what she thought. Before I can leave the office my mother comes storming in.
