Page 52 of Derek

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“I know you were sleeping, but I need your help.” I say.

“What do you need, son?”

I take a deep breath then explain how Connor is connected to Rylie. As soon as I finish, I hear Dad getting out of bed. “I’ll figure this out, Derek. We will not let him get close to Rylie.”

“How thehell do I protect her?”

“First of all, we find out what he wants. I know a man that can find that out damn quick. It won’t be pretty, but Connor will not be able to hide shit from him. I need to know how far you are willing to go?” he asks.

“I don’t care what hell you do. Just make my woman safe.”

We talk for a few more minutes,and then say our goodbyes. I make my way back to bed and crawl in beside Rylie, pulling her into my arms while whispering into her hair. “I am going to keep you safe, baby.”

Chapter 35


I knew that cunt Cecily would run to Derek. I thought I’d have more time to get to her before Derek did. I wasn’t counting on his mother being at the house. I sat outside Rylie’s house for a while,and it wasn’t until I saw Derek’s car pull up that I took off, knowing I wouldn’t get my chance at her tonight.

I made it home and punched a hole in my wall. “Fuck!” I yell throughout my house.


It’s been a week, and I still have not had a chance to get at Rylie. She’s either with Derek, her slutty friend, or Derek’s nosey mother. I’mlayin’ in bed when I hear my front door being pounded on.

I bolt up and grab my pants.As I make my way down the hall, I grab my gun from the cubby in the wall by the bathroom.

“ConnorRoga?” I hear someone shout at me through the front door. “Need a word with you.”

“Who the fuck are you?” I say as I open the door.

“Someone you shouldn’t piss off.” The man says steely, as he places his hand on my chest and pushes me inside the house. Within two seconds, he has my gun in his hands.

“What thehell, man?” I shout, as I stumble backwards.

An evil smile spreads across his face. “I am here to find out what you want with Rylie. You can either answer my questions willingly, or I will beat it out of you.”

“Fuck you!” I yell, then see a fist come flying toward my face.

Within minutes, I am on the floor in a puddle of my own blood. I see him raise his foot to kick me and decide to tell him anything he wants.

He listens then pulls out his phone. Minutes later, two large men walk into my home. They walk right up to me and place handcuffs on my wrists. “You cannot arrest me. He forced me to tell him everything. It will never hold up in court, and I’ll sue you all for this.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, all three men start to laugh. One of the men leans down and whispers in my ear. “You’re not getting arrested, but you will wish you were.”

With that, they pull me out the door. I look back towards my house and suddenly realize that I will never see it again.



I’m woken up to hear my phone ringing. I rub the sleep out of my eyes. Before I can reach over to the night table Rylie sits up in bed, grumbling. “Who the hell is calling? Stupid inconsiderate pricks.”

Ichuckle as I grab the phone and put it to my ear. “Yeah?”

“It’s done.” I hear on the line. A voice I don’t know or recognize. “Target, neutralized.”The voice says again then hangs up.

I bring the phone away from my face, confused. Who thehell was that? As I’m going through the caller ID to see if the number appeared, my phone starts ringing again.

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