Page 55 of Derek

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I burst out laughinguntil I feel arms go around me. “What’s so funny?” I hear Derek say into my hair.

“Blue haired, dreaded Grammas!” I blurt out, laughing my ass off!

This was the best day ever!



Years later

I’m home late from work. This time of year is always busy for us at the office.

I take a look at our home. We ended up building on to Rylie’s house. It was perfect for just the two of us, but we knew we wanted a family, and we needed to make sure we had the extra room. Rylie still takes care of our yard, but usually it’s my mother working on it. She doesn’t get to work in the garden at home, since the yard workers take care of all that, so she comes over once a week to work in our garden.

I smell garlic as I open the door. Rylie must have made spaghetti. I hear voices down the hall and make my way down. I open Cayden’s door and seethat he is fast asleep in his crib. We adopted him a few months ago. He was only three days old when we first laid eyes on him. Adopting him reminded me of my own adoption, because his parents were young and wanted a better life for him. We weren’t looking into adopting again, but when my Mum called me and said she knew someone that was looking for parents for their soon to be born son, we drove down to the hospital in Perth. Once we saw him in the nursery, we couldn’t say no. Rylie and I were both more than happy to bring him into our lives. I walk into the room and peer down at him. He has a little puff of dark brown hair, and the cutest dimples. I lean over and give him a small kiss on his cheek, then close the door quietly behind me as I leave his nursery.

I walk down to the next room and notice the door is opened slightly. I take a peek in and see Rylie curled up beside Allywhile Ally reads to her. We adopted Ally two years ago. She’s the most beautiful five year old we’ve ever seen with long blonde hair, green eyes, and the cutest freckles covering her nose. She came from a home like Rylie had. It had taken almost a year to get her to feel safe with us. It was Rylie she took to first. Ry knew how to handle a situation like hers, since she came from the same one. We knew that we wanted to adopt one child, and Rylie really wanted to adopt children from bad homes. She said she had wished someone had saved her from hers. When we applied with the adoption agency, it only took two months to get the call about Ally.

I look over atmy wife in awe as she smiles proudly at our daughter while she reads to her. Her tattoos are still very much a part of her. She’s even added two to her body of Ally and Cayden’s names, as well as the new one she got on our honeymoon; my name over her heart. The difference with her now is that she lost the dreads and the piercings. She said that they were her armor, but she no longer needs them, since she has me to be her armor. She’s beautiful either way. Hell, I would have taken her with a Mohawk.

I push the door open fully and walk in. “Dad!” Ally yells and jumps into my arms when I make it close to the bed.

“Hey, baby girl. Reading to Mum?” I ask her.

“Of course, Dad. Mum sucks at reading out loud.” She says with a giggle.

“Hey, I’m not that bad.” Rylie says grinning.

Both Ally and I look at her with raised eyebrows. Rylie can read any book in two hours or less, but when it comes to her reading out loud, it’s as if she’s five years old and just learning to read.

I join my girls on the bed and Ally finishes reading her story.

Rylie and I walk out and head into the kitchen. “Where’s my hello kiss?” I ask Rylie as I pull her into me.

She turns around and grabs my neck, bringing me in for a kiss.

I pull back and smile down to her. “Love you, babe.”

She smiles back and whispers, “I’ll show you how much I love you, as soon as Allygoes to sleep.”

“Or we could just go to our room, lock the door, and you could show me now.”

I lean down and kiss her. Life couldn’t be any better.


You haven’t seen the last of Melody! You’ll get her story in the final Love Songs book!!

About the author

Dawn Martens is 24 years old, a Canadian Author, Mother and Wife who lives in Alberta. She has two daughters, another child on the way and is married to her best friend. Life couldn’t be better.

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