Page 29 of Can't Resist You

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“You been fucking him? How long?” I’ve never seen Keller so angry, and it’s all my fault.

“Who do you think took her virginity?” Drew just had to open his fucking mouth. My face pales as I stiffen in his arms.

Keller’s fist clench. “You fucking cunt.” My head snaps back as if he hit me, I’ve never been called a cunt in my entire life. “And you, my supposedbest friend, fuckingmygirl?” he glares at Drew.

“Keller, please, can we just talk?” I try to ask him, hoping we can talk about this calmly and rationally, but he doesn’t budge. “You can’t really be that mad at me, not when you’ve been banging every girl you possibly can all over the country,” I snap at him.

His face pales and he looks to Drew. “What did you tell her?” The way he looks so ravaged, I feel that maybe he did actually have feelings for me, but if that were true, he wouldn’t have been screwing around on me. I never admitted to loving him, but even with what I did, it doesn’t make it right. We’re both in the wrong on so many levels with this.

Drew shrugs. “The truth. You knew it would come out, that shit always does. Even if I didn’t tell her, your baby mama would have since she made a surprise visit.”

Keller throws his hands up in defeat, this almost feels too easy of an end. “What the fuck ever. I’m out, I’ll pack my shit and go home to Becky. By the way, Tara, you were never that great of a lay.” And there it is. Prick.

I decide to leave the comment alone, wanting this done with, but Drew doesn’t agree, and he gently pushes me aside. “Don’t fucking speak to her like that, man,” he growls, getting into Keller’s face. “I put up with seeing you fucking other girls in the clubs, the Becky shit, hearing you in the next room fuckingmywoman, and you calling her nasty names, it’s fucking done. Get your shit and get gone, it’s not like I’m leaving you homeless, considering you have the condo you moved out of and put Becky in.” Oh, holy shit, Keller has his own actual place? What the hell was he doing living with Drew then? Then it dawns on me, the condo where I gave Drew my virginity, he said it was a friend’s place.

Keller shoves him away. “Fuck you, you’re supposed to have my back, we’re supposed to be friends. She was mine and you knew it.”

Drew shoves him back. “Yeah, but I bet you didn’t know she only dated you to piss me off, considering I had her first.”

With that the first punch is thrown. I’m so done with this shit. Why the hell did Drew have to say anything? What we did was bad enough, hell what Keller has been doing the entire time was bad enough, but that was fucked up.

I leave the kitchen and quietly make my way to my room. Quickly getting my duffel bag from under my bed, I load it with some clothes and a few necessities. I don’t want to leave, but guilt is eating me. Can Drew and I actually make it as a couple with how we got started? I came between him and his best friend. What kind of person does that make me?

I quickly send a text to Tina, letting her know I’m on my way over. She’s been begging me for a girl’s night since the last time I was over, after she told me why she’s been avoiding me. So hopefully she’ll be okay with me staying for a bit too, especially since I just realized in all of Drew and I’s talks, I haven’t told him about her, so he won’t know to look for me there. Shit I’m a horrible friend, and girlfriend as it seems. I’d go to the Angels but since Drew now knows all about them, he’d probably go there first.

Zipping my bag shut, I grab my purse and close the bedroom door. Listening for the guys I realize the idiots are still in the kitchen trading blows, so I just leave.

Hopefully I can get into my car and take off before Drew finds out that I left. A tear falls down my face as I back out of the driveway.

Chapter 28


Giving Keller one last jab to the gut I shove him off me. “Fuck.” I turn my head as I hear a car door slam. Keller tries to come back for another blow, putting my hand up as I glare at him, “Can’t you just put on your big boy pants for once and just stop?” It dawns on him what I mean when the flash of car lights shines through the kitchen window.

“Oh fuck no.” I jog out of the room and head for the front door, swinging it open. Tara’s car is gone, and as I get closer to the end of the driveway, I see her tail lights down the street. Leaning over, I put my hands on my knees.

“Seems like we both lost her,” Keller says smugly from behind me, a smirk in his voice.

Whirling around I send him a look that has the smirk falling off his face. “You know what, fuck you. I love Tara, is that what you want to hear? How I want to marry her, knock her up with my kids, spend my life with her. And because of your stupid bullshit in the kitchen, wanting to fight like a child, she’s gone. But no, Keller, we didn’t lose her. You never had her in the first place, I on the other hand am going to hunt her down and drag her back home by her hair if I have to.”

Keller looks shocked by what I just said. “I’m sorry, man.”

“You can be sorry by giving me anything that could help, you were with her for six months not including all the months you just spent on the road, do you know anything about her besides her family being the Angels Warriors?” his face pales.

“Fuck me, how could I forget she was close to the Angels?” He scrubs a hand over his face in defeat. Asshole probably forgot because Tara was never a goddamn priority for him. “Tina, she has a friend named Tina, hot bitch, easy lay, and I say that because I fucked her a month after I hooked up with Tara, and about ten more times since,” He confesses, looking somewhat ashamed, probably for the first time in his life.

With friends like that, who needs enemies, this Tina definitely won’t be a friend anymore once I talk with Tara. And Keller just once again proved how much of a piece of shit he is.

“You got a last name for her, an address? Anything?”

“Uh, yeah, she lives on Ross Street, just by the Circle K, the place looks like a house, but it was converted into studio apartments.”

He gives me the house number and I text it to the station, telling them to get me any info they can about the girl that lives there. “I’m leaving, and by the time Tara and I get back, I want all your shit gone. And I mean that, Keller, we’ve been friends for over ten years, but this is it. I don’t need your fucked-up shit in my life, and Tara sure as hell doesn’t deserve the shit you put her through either.”

His jaw twitches. “All the shit I put her through? She didn’t even know, so I didn’t put her through shit, she also cheated on me, or do you not remember getting your dick wet in the kitchen about an hour ago?”

I shake my head and walk away. I’m done with his messes.
