Page 32 of Can't Resist You

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Five years later


Life is fucking perfect, after the bullshit with Keller and Tara’s friend Tina, I wasted no time in marrying Tara.

I didn’t have to do much, placed a phone call to her family, and within a month we were hitched. And instead of Angel, Zippo, and Reaper fighting over who got to walk her down the aisle, they all did. I swear them doing that had her in tears before she even walked in the church. I knew she was struggling with who to even ask, and they didn’t want to make the choice hard for her so that was the solution. A year after that, we had our first child. And just three months ago she gave birth to our second son.

Tara’s been moodier than usual the last few weeks, and I’m pretty sure I know why. Let’s hope she doesn’t kill me when she finds out.

Haven’t heard from neither Keller nor Tina since that night years ago, but it doesn’t mean we haven’t seen them around or read about them in the papers.

Tina, last time she was spotted, was getting the shit beat out of her by a woman who was screaming at her about sleeping with her husband. I didn’t bother stepping in, bitch deserved that smack down.

And as for Keller, his baby mama got into a drunk driving accident, and is currently spending the rest of her life in jail. Not only did she endanger their daughter who was in the back seat, but she killed the family she hit. Keller now has to raise his daughter by himself, and I’m sure he’s struggling with it.

Wish I could help him out, we were friends for years, but those bridges were burned. And they should have been burned way before Tara ever entered the picture.

I’m in the kitchen making breakfast for my family and heating up a bottle when Tara enters the kitchen, looking a little green. I smile as she looks ready to kill someone.


Istumble into the kitchen with my stomach still upset and make my way to the fridge. “Babe, you okay?”

“You know how much I hate you right now?” I glare at my husband.

“Tara,” he warns.

“Drew, I just gave birth three months ago. How the fuck did this happen?” I shout at him and he grins. That jackass.

“I ain’t gonna complain. And I don’t wanna hear you complain either. We got two kids, what’s one more?” Oh that smug prick.

“You wanna push a giant baby out of your dick hole? I think not. It’s me that has to do it.”

“Tara, shut up.”

“Don’t you tell me to shut up,” I snap at him.

“I love you,” he tells me, instantly my mood brightens.

“I love you too, Drew,” I reply back, softly. He pulls me into his arms for a kiss. “This one better be a girl though.”

“Fuck that,” he replies. “Don’t need a mini you, I’d have to buy more guns.”

I smile. “Shut up.”

I rest my head on his chest, and it’s then the kids start squawking from their rooms. “I’ll get’em,” he says, kissing my forehead and moves away from me.

It was a rough and messy road, getting here. But I’m glad I didn’t resist the pull of Drew. He’s my forever.
