Page 8 of Can't Resist You

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Tara only has one friend? What kind of chick doesn’t have friends? Or has just one, but the so-called friend doesn’t even come over to help her move, that’s fucked up. I’m suddenly feeling pissed and for once not at her but for her. What idiot would ever hurt Tara? Oh, I know, fucking Keller. I shoot him a glare, and he puts his hands up in surrender, as if he knows exactly what I was thinking.

“Don’t, okay. Don’t say anything.”

“You know she’ll find out.”

“Yeah, and I hope she never does, just like I hoped Chelsea never did, but that stupid puck bunny bitch poked holes in the condoms and bam, lost Chelsea.”

What a fucking tool. If he wasn’t my best friend since we were kids, I’d knock him the fuck out. Hell, half the time I feel like doing that anyways because of the fucked-up shit he’s doing behind Tara’s back. My loyalty is with him though, no matter how badly I want to save Tara from the hurt she’s going to face.

I lean in close to him. “When she finds out, not if, butwhen, you do realize that you’ll be the one out on your ass right?”

He looks affronted and scowls at me. “The fuck, man, you’d kick me out, your best friend?”

“Damn right I would. She’s not doing anything wrong and unless she’s the worst roommate in history, then yeah, you’re out. You can go shack up with your baby mama.”

“Fuck you, dude.”

I don’t bother replying as I hear Tara’s footsteps coming from the hall. He’s gonna lose her all on his own, and it won’t be because I said shit.

“Hey, before I forget, since this is going pretty fast. I will head to the grocery store once I finish packing the last few boxes, could you guys make me a list of things you like and want?”

“Uh, that’s Keller’s job, why are you doing it?” I point out.

Tara’s head goes back in shock, shock that I’m talking to her without yelling? Hmm. She looks to Keller and her eyes narrow. “It is hmm? That’s funny, Keller told me that was my responsibly for living with you.”

I reach out and slap Keller in the back of the head. “Fuck no, you cook, he buys food, that’s how he pays rent.” What an idiot, is lying the only fucking thing this moron is good at?

“Then I will make a list of things I want and like and once everything is out of here, Keller will be off to the grocery store, and if he even misses one item on the list, he’ll have to go back out.” She’s pissed at him right now, sassy bitch. Fuck, it’s making me hard.

I turn away, willing my cock to stop twitching. She’s not mine, we already had her before. Fuck this isn’t working. I grab a box and head out the door. It’s hard enough that she works with me, trying not to fuck her all the damn time. It’s the reason I’m such a dick to her. Now she’s gonna be living with me?

Fuck, this has fucking natural disaster written all over it.

She moves to the kitchen table and starts jotting things down on a piece of paper. I watchKeller adjust his pants and look back to Tara, fuck me, does she not know that those white leggings are see through? She’s not wearing underwear. Fuck me. Seeing her bent over like that, reminded me how I had her in that position for round two of our night together.

She lifts her head as if sensing us watching her and looks over her shoulder. “I’m done, Drew, you want anything added?”

I shake my head, “He already has his list from me, so just hand it over and you and I can finish this up.”

Putting the pen down I watch her put the list in Keller’s hand. “I even went extremely specific so you can’t fuck it up. If you do, you’re dumber than I thought.” She kisses his cheek and walks back down the hall.

I’m trying so hard not to laugh, she totally just put him in his place, so maybe this moving in together will be some great entertainment. “Later man.”

Keller doesn’t reply and leaves the apartment with his head down.

I walk into the Tara’s second bedroom and see that most of the shit is gone, except for something that looks like a cage with handles. Odd.

As I get close to the cage thing to take it out to the truck, I hear this god-awful noise that scares the shit outta me. “Holy fuck, there’s a demon in that thing.” I move backwards slowly from the cage and yell for Tara.

“What? What’s with all the screaming?”

“There, that thing, what is it.” My voice barely above a whisper, I don’t want the demon to hear me talking about it, just in case it gets out.

Tara rolls her eyes. “That’s LF, my cat.”

My head swings back towards her. “Oh, fuck no, Keller didn’t say shit about you having a cat. And LF? What kind of name is that?”

“Keller said it was fine, and if you have a problem, cool, we’ll just go and get my stuff and bring it back in here, and I’ll find some place else to go. And LF stands for Little Fucker.”

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