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Putting the last ofmy shit on the moving truck I hear the roar of pipes coming down the street. Shit, I thought I had more time. He had to have known this was coming.

Hunter was great for a long while. We grew up together, it was natural when we finally started dating and then being each other’s first. Of course, when I went off to college we split, but I didn’t turn into a raging slut like he did.

But the minute I got home after graduating, he was on me like wet rice. And I was happy, for a while at least. Then I discovered he up and joined the Jacks Devils and I’ve caught him cheating not once but a whopping total of sixteen times. Hell, there was probably more times, but by the second I didn’t care anymore.

Everyone of course would tell me to leave, and I tried that. Tried that a lot. It would just end with him forcing himself on me or hitting me. But this time, no matter what he tries to do, I’m not staying. The final straw for me was when I overheard him talking about going to war and killing women and children if some other club didn’t patch over. The cheating hurt me, the beating broke my spirit, but hearing about him willingly being okay with killing women and children, that was the final straw. I can’t do this anymore.

I look up as I pull the door of the truck closed and start locking it. He looks pissed. His face that I once thought handsome and rugged is a face I now feared. And sure enough he has a woman on the back of his bike. After the first few times I caught him cheating he stopped giving a shit and sometimes brought them home.Prick.

“What the fuck are you doing, Anara?” he asks me calmly, but I can tell by his face he’s anything but calm. He always has a tell, a tick really, clenching his jaw when he’s pissed all while smiling at the same time.

“What’s it look like, Hunter? We’re over, I’m leaving.” My eyes slide away from his and I see the girl on his bike, she looks confused as hell. Hunter’s usual type of course, bleach blonde, barbie wannabe.

“We’re not over until I say we are. You know that this shit just got you punishment.”

I shake my head. “Hunter, I don’t love you, much less like you anymore, I’m leaving. Hit me, rape me, do whatever, like you always do. But I’m telling you, I am leaving.”

He grabs my arm, his fingers bite into the tender skin of my arm deep enough to leave an indention, and I know I’m going to bruise from this. “You leave, you’ll have to do more than beg me to take you back. Cuz bitch, I know you’ll come back.” He sneers into my face.

I steel myself against him, “Know this, Hunter, I will never come back to you. I would rather see my mother before ever coming back to you.” He flinches, knowing how much damage my mother caused in my life, and how much I hate her. My mother was as toxic as a parent could get. Emotionally and physically abusive, I thought Hunter would save me from that, instead, after cutting my mother out of my life, he became just like her. My father died when I was just three so I don’t remember him much, but hopefully he at least cared for me; it would be nice knowing someone in my life loved me at some point.

His face softens just slightly. “Baby, you know you’re the one for me, you’re mine. We’ve been together forever. These bitches I fuck are nothing. You know it’s always you.” Here we go, same sweet words repeatedly. They have no effect on me, not anymore at least.

“I miss the old you, this person you are now, I hate him,” I tell him honestly. “We’re not meant to be, our time together is over, and please, Hunter, if you ever cared for me at all, even just a little bit, you’ll let me leave. You won’t look for me or stop me from leaving.”

He steps back letting my arm drop. “Fine, leave, you’ll just come back eventually, but maybe this time I’ll make you beg.” He grunts out and storms back to his bike where the dumb blonde still sits astride it. He looks at me once more and then slams his lips down on hers. This shit doesn’t hurt anymore, honestly, I feel nothing.

I move to the driver’s side of the truck and quickly get in, making sure my mirrors are correct and doors are locked I start it up. This is it. I’m leaving this place behind and never coming back. New rule though, no more damn bikers.

Pulling away from the house I once shared with Hunter, I see him staring at the truck, and for the first time in years he looks as if his world has come crashing down.

Good, now he knows how I felt.
