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“Dirty, my office.” Hangman growls. I didn’t see him come in with the rest so he must have used the back entrance. Shit, he must have already heard about Anara’s shit. “Manic and Wiz, you too!”

All three of us follow suit, not bothering to look jacked about it, he leads us to our church room and slams the door shut.

“Wanna tell me why I’m getting pinged with shit about Anara?” he tosses his phone on the table and sure enough, everything we found out is there.

“That’s my fault. She made a comment to me about an ex, and I wanted to look into her background more than we already did.”

“And you didn’t think to come to me first?” He shouts at me.

Running a hand through my hair, I slightly tug at it. “Pres, I was going to, just wanted to wait until you got home, if there was something you needed to know.

He picks up his phone and scrolls. “Hunter Jackson, also known as Chaos, president of the Jacks Devils Canada charter. Once engaged to Anara Kaiser.” He looks up at me, and I feel the blood drain from my face., well fuck, I didn’t get that far into her file. “Hunter, the same mother fucker that has been gunning for us for years. The fucker’s father is the one that made us think Trevor was dead.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is bad. Worse than bad. “The same Jack that put a bullet in Melissa’s dead man.”

“Pres,” I start.

“You out of your fucking mind!” He roars and both Manic and Wiz scoot back in their chair. “You two, why didn’t you ever do this fucking check the first time that bitch got involved with us? The cunt has watched our kids, friends with the Old Ladies, my fucking daughter.”

“Pres, she’s clean. I swear it.” I tell him, hoping he’ll calm down and not do what I think he’s gonna end up doin.

“Clean my fucking ass, she’s the dirtiest gash we have in this club. And until I know she’s innocent my damn self, I have Rage picking her up now and we’re gonna have ourselves a good ol’ conversation.”

My stomach bottoms out, Anara won’t be able to handle the shit that Hangman will throw at her, even worse if Rage is the one doing it. And more than that, he doesn’t know about the DEA agent she was fucking that I put a stop to. He finds that out, there is no way she’ll ever be able to prove to him she’s clean.

Chapter 10


My front door bangsopen, and I hear the sounds of men charging up my stairs. “Rage? What’s going on?” I ask when I see him enter my room.

He snarls are me. “I’m to bring you in, Hangman’s orders.

He doesn’t give me a chance to even come with him willingly before I’m thrown over his shoulder, carried through my house and thrown roughly into the back of a van. I recognize a few of the guys in here, Gunner and some prospects.

“Um hi? I would have come willingly if I knew.”

Gunner narrows his eyes at me, “Enough talking.”
