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Chapter 4


Jared didn’t come backto my place like I thought he would once Dirty left. Every time I see Dirty it hurts. We had one date, and while on said date he flirted with anything that moved. The date was nothing special, it was after getting to know him, that hurt. Yes, I turned him down every single time after that date, but of course, I got to know him, due to the friendships I have with a few Old Ladies. I knew then he was too much like Hunter for us to make it work. First, it’s cheating in secret, then cheating with me knowing, then beatings. And I’m not going down that route again. Ever. But the worst part is, I’ve fallen in love with Dirty over the years and now I just say no to going out with him out of pure stubbornness.

Waking up I sluggishly make my way to the kitchen for some coffee, otherwise I’m going to be useless today. Taking my third sip my doorbell goes off, putting the cup down, I go see who that could be. I wasn’t expecting anyone this early.

My eyes widen in shock at Melissa’s face as I open the door. “Hey?” She looks angry.

I met Melissa three years ago when she moved to town to spend time with her father, Hangman. Colour us all shocked that he had a full-grown adult daughter, although not really, since he used to get around like crazy. Personally I wouldn’t be surprised if he had more children than the two he has.

She glares at me, hands on her hips, “Hey? That’s it. That’s all you can say after basically disappearing from my life? What’s going on Anara, I thought we were friends.”

I let her in and shut the door behind her. “We are. Things are just complicated right now.”

“Yeah, with Dirty, we all know, there isn’t a person in the province that doesn’t know about you and Dirty having issues. Issues by the way, I don’t even get. Like, I get it, you were hurt before, but so was I and look at me now.”

Her ex-baby daddy turned out to be married, which she found out on her wedding day, the same day she finally met her father, Hangman. But now she’s happily married to an ex-member of the Untamed club, and popping babies out left, right, and center.

“I’m sorry Melissa, things have just been difficult, there are things you don’t know about my past and Dirty is everything like my ex, if not worse.”

She bites the corner of her lip, looking in thought. “I know Dirty may seem like he could be like your ex, but if you don’t give him a chance you’ll never find out. I don’t know about you, but it’s better to find out than to not. What If you find real happiness with him?”

“Yeah, but what if I don’t, what if he cheats and hits me, I’m not okay with any of that, not again.” I wasn’t in the first place, but it was hard to get out of.

“Oh god, that’s what your ex did?” she asks in shock.

Nodding at her, “At first he cheated in secret, but I always knew by the smell of him. Then he openly cheated. Bitches on the back of his bike, bringing them to the house. He told me I had to accept it. I’m actually shocked as shit he let me leave the day I did.” I tell her all about that day and she goes to sit on my couch.

“I’m—I’m so sorry Anara, I never knew this, if I had, I’d have been there for you more.”

“Girl, you had your own issues, and this is mine. I’m sort of seeing this guy named Jared. He’s okay, sex is great, but it won’t ever be more than that.”

“That’s good to know, because you’re ending it with Jared, now.” A voice behind me demands and scares Melissa so bad, a pop is heard and her water breaks, leaking onto the floor.

Both Dirty and I fly into action helping Melissa out to my car. “You idiot, you knew she was pregnant, very pregnant and due any day and you just had to scare the shit out of her?” I rant at him as I hear him on the phone, probably with Melissa’s man.

He’s not even paying attention to me, but whatever, he knows I’m pissed. And how dare he say I’m ending things with Jared, is he nuts? He’s got good dick. And if I’m ending things with Jared, why exactly? Is he gonna suddenly end things with all the club whores and the lonely ass housewives in town?

“Babe, you’re thinking too hard over there, you’ll hurt yourself.” That dick. “There’s shit we gotta talk about but not now, we need to get her to the hospital, Slammer is meeting us there.”

Whatever. Maybe I can sneak out if he’s busy or distracted and get as far away from him as I can. Probably could hide out with Tori’s mom for a few days or something. She’s always been a sweet woman, and I felt bad for some of the shit Hangman put her through when he was searching for his now ex-wife.
