Page 1 of Unraveling Raven

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Itake off, sprintingthrough the forest, searching for her scent. She’s getting closer. The sound of her heart beats faster, as if she’s looking for me too. I can hear it pulsing loudly as though she were standing next to me. I come up to the clearing and my fangs start to slide from their place in my gums. She’s so close, I can almost taste her. The sweetest and purest blood.

I’ve never encountered a more mouth-watering temptation.

I hear her shout full of rage, ‘Where the fuck is he?’ Her voice caries through the night coming from the east. Her anger floats throughout the forest and makes me smile. Even in rage, her voice calls to me. The vibrato is fucking sexy. Everything about her draws me nearer. Her intoxicating scent. Her blood calling to me like a lost siren singing at sea.

The hunt makes this all the more alluring. I thought this day would never find me. The day that I would find her.The one. My soulmate. For hundreds of years, I have roamed every continent of the earth searching for the woman who was made for me.

“Yes,” she hisses as she spots me. Her voice washes over me, coursing down my spine and reaching my damn toes.

“Mine.” I growl as I step out into the clearing. She’s fucking stunning. Long blue hair that I would laugh at if it wasn’t on her, but it seems to fit her perfectly. Light purple—the most unique shade I’ve ever seen one’s eyes behold. Everything inside me screams out that she’s fucking mine.Finally.

“Mine.” Her feral growl matches my own, heat flaring in her eyes, and the smell of her arousal has my cock aching at the zipper of my jeans. She wants this...craves our union as desperately as I have.

I take another step toward her, zeroing in on the white see-through dress that leaves nothing to the imagination. It clings to her skin and shows off every curve. She’s perfection personified with an hourglass figure and an ample bosom. Her gaze appraises me and the smirk stretching across her lips tells me she’s very happy with what fate has delivered to her—all six feet one inches and two hundred and thirty pounds of muscle.

We come together in a frenzy, clothes tearing, teeth nipping skin. Neither of us giving a shit that we’re mating out in the open, in a forest, where anyone could happen upon us. My fingers bite into her hip bones. There will be bruises showing later. Proof of my claim on her body.

We fall to the ground, my weight covering hers. Nearly a millennium, and I’ve finally found the other half of my soul. “I’ve been waiting hundreds of years for you,” I tell her as I slam inside of her.

Her body accepts my girth eagerly with a moan escaping her parted lips.

Before she can reply anything further, I’m woken up, and notice the whole thing was another damn dream. Every dream that comes is longer than the last, revealing more of her to me. My mate is alive. I had thought maybe I was cursed to never find my intended love. That perhaps she had never existed. Never been born.

But she’s out there, and fuck, I need to find her soon; before I go mad.

Chapter 1


Walking through myhome, I notice humans passed out from the party last night. Worthless beings. I don’t know why I let Karma convince me of this, sure a few tasted good, but it’s not like I need them to eat. Wait, I know why she convinced me, she keeps hoping the more parties I attend or throw, that my soulmate will show up.

I’ve been alive for eight hundred years, fucked countless number of women, travelled the whole world, and still haven’t found my mate. I’m tiring of this life, a life without meaning. Karma was the woman I have fucked for hundreds of years until forty years ago, when she found her mate. Losing her hurt, losing her to a damn shifter pissed me off. I thought if I couldn’t have my intended mate, she’d be mine. Karma’s more than just beautiful, hell, she’s the first person that I have ever opened up to, shared my soul with her, she would have made the perfect match for me. Damn the higher power for not letting us choose for ourselves, at least I had time with her when I could.
