Page 20 of Unraveling Raven

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Chapter 19


Dagan is home. I rushdown the stairs, leaving Ryder alone in bed and head to the front door.

“My mate!” Dagan shouts and I smiling, running to him. He lifts me into his arms, my legs wrapping around him.

“I’ve missed you.” I tell him, my face going into his neck, breathing in his scent.

“And I you.” He tells me, his grip firm.

“Nice to have you home, Dagan.” Ryder’s voice carries across the courtyard, and I smile. “This one has been missing you, but don’t worry, it wasn’t too bad, not with me around.”

I giggle at Ryder. He always sounds so confidant and sure of himself. Which isn’t a bad trait to have. Dagan’s grip on me tightens.

“Sorry,” he releases me, “still have to get used to sharing you, haven’t warmed up completely to the idea yet.”

“One of yours is here actually, Waverly.” I tell him and his eyes light up.

“Ah yes, the first shifter to find a mate outside of his race. He used to be in the running as my second, but the people were angry about him finding a vampire mate, so I had to cast him out. I didn’t want to; he was better than Bolton in many ways.”

Frowning, “Bolton?”

“My second in command. I’ve ordered him to come out next month to meet you, most of the supernaturals will be on their way here soon I’m sure to meet their new Queen.”

“I can’t wait to meet more of your people.” I gush, my excitement showing. I hope everyone likes me, I know I tend to act younger than my years but finding out I’m going to be young forever, well, screw growing up. I’ll do it when I’m good and ready.

“They will be happy to meet you, my Queen.” I blush.

“Stop that, you don’t call me that, it makes me feel I don’t know, weird.”

Ryder pulls me to him, arm over my shoulders and talks to Dagan. “Let’s let Dagan get settled in, we’ll get the cooks to prepare him a meal and we can all retire to your room.” My breath catches in my throat, oh boy, sexy time with my men.

“That sounds perfect, I need a shower, food and sex. In that order.” Dagan states and I giggle. Why do I always giggle lately, I feel like a schoolgirl with her first crush.
