Page 11 of Hangman Untamed

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Chapter Nine


Iwatch the couplesexchange on their front porch and wonder briefly what they’re talking about. No raised voices but they look to be in a heated discussion. I turn back to my house and walk inside and grab a beer.

Thinking about what Tomas said, I decide it’s time to make my move before he changes his mind. Putting the beer on the coffee table, I go back outside, check the time—good still have thirty minutes before Emily gets home on the bus—and head on down to my new neighbour’s house.

“Speaking of the devil,” Justine says sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. How I would love to spank her for that right now, but I have a feeling I need to take this a little slow for her sake, just not too slow.

I grin. “The devil’s scared of me, babe.”

She snorts. “Doesn’t surprise me,” she mutters.

Tomas gives me a smile and heads into the house, leaving us alone. “So, what was that about?” I ask, wondering if she’ll tell me.

Her shoulders sag. “Nothing really.”

Taking a step up, I clear my throat. “According to Tomas, you’re free game.”

“Just because Tomas said,” she makes air quotes with her fingers, “’I’m free game’ doesn’t mean that I want you.” Damn, she’s got sass. And that makes me hard as a rock.

Taking another step up, I stare directly in her eyes. “Beautiful, the way you looked at me the other day says differently.” Taking another step up, I add, “The way I saw your breathing hitch when I laid my lips to yours.” Taking the rest of the steps up and walking directly up to her, I back her into the siding of the home then lick my lips. “And now the look in your eyes. The way your breasts are rising and falling to your heavy breathing is telling me that you do.”

She lamely says, “I don’t.”

Wrapping one of my hands around her neck and the other around her waist, I grind my hard dick into her. “I’ve wanted you since the first night I met you.” I kiss the fuck out of her. Her hands move to my face. Tongues fight for dominance. My hands roam, going under her ass and picking her up, bracing her against the siding of the house.

When we stop kissing, we just stare at each other. I love looking at her, but I have to get off this porch before I start fucking her for all the neighborhood to see. Backing away, I wink. “See you soon, darling.”

Walking away, I think about how I need to be careful with her. She is one that I want to get to know and keep. I’ll bide my time. Then I’ll devour her.

In the meantime, I’ll just fuck the fat-tittied bitch to scratch my itch. What can I say? I want my cake and eat it, too.

“Wait!” Justine comes running down the stairs and stops in front of me.

“Yes, darling?”

“Okay, I lied.” She fidgets and I smirk in amusement.

“You lied? About what?”
