Page 27 of Hangman Untamed

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He drops his fork and leans over to me. “I’ll kiss you whenever the fuck I want, steak juices be damned.”

I roll my eyes, that’s just not going to happen. “Well, tell me about yourself, we didn’t exactly do much talking last time,” I say, giving him the eye.

After he finishes his bite, he leans back in his chair. “Not much to tell, I’m almost forty-five, got two kids, ones about your age, just slightly older, Emily is ten.”

Well, shit, I wasn’t expecting to hear that. I knew about the little one, but not that he had one my age. “Is this weird to you then, being with someone half your age?”

“Doesn’t bother me in the slightest, does it bother you?”

“Nah, always had a bit of a daddy kink,” I joke.

He snorts, and then looks shocked he did it. “First, no daddy kink, my girls call me ‘daddy,’ so fuck off with that nasty shit.”

“Agreed, it’s called a joke,” I sass him, sticking my tongue out at him.

“Second, you sure you’re okay with this? I’m old as fuck, babe.”

I shrug, pausing to think for a second before I shake my head. “It really doesn’t bother me. Plus, it’s not like you look your age or even act it. You’re a man, it is what it is. Now the real question is, what will your adult daughter think of this?” Because, honestly, that’s what’s worrying me here right now.

“Melissa loves me, she just wants to see me happy and if that’s with you, then she’ll love you, too.” He digs back into his food, cutting his steak sloppily. “She’s had a rough life, shitty mother, shitty foster home. But her big sister, not my kid, protected her as best she could and then the Angels Warriors saved them both.”

Well, shit, I’ve heard about the Angels, they are some serious bikers all about saving people.

He continues on. “You sure you want to hear all this? My daughters’ and my past aren’t pretty.”

“Of course, I want to hear it. I’m in this with you, so I want to be a part of it all,” I tell him honestly.

His eyes flash, something I said, he liked.

“Okay, I’ll take you back to the beginning then. I was young and dumb, was supposed to be on a run but sent my little brother instead. He got murdered as a payback to me. I ended up going for his girlfriend, Vicky, the one woman he loved more than anything. But I wanted her, too. Made her fall in love with me and we got married. Miscarriages were a lot; she struggled all the time with losing children we’d make. But back then, I was a shit husband, I cheated on her all the time. It’s when she started hating me. And I don’t blame her. The final straw was when she realized that Emily was mine. She left, seeking sanctuary with the Angels. I was on the warpath because I wasn’t about to lose what was mine. I finally found her, and she’s shacked up with my long-lost, dead brother.” I look at him in shock, how could his brother be alive? “Yeah, my reaction, too. Turns out he had help, he was on the brink of death, and someone helped him live. But as much as I was relieved to have my brother back, alive, I still wanted Vicky. So, I forced her back home with me. It’s then I found out she was pregnant, having my brother’s baby, so I signed the divorce papers and sent her back. But, it wasn’t before she told me about Melissa, my daughter, whom she met when she took off and hid with the Angels Warriors. Felt like shit, I was a father and never knew about it. Left her in the cesspool of bullshit her entire life.”

“Hey, it’s not your fault you didn’t know. How could you when the mother didn’t tell you?” I tell him gently.

“Not sure how much of Melissa’s story I should tell you as it’s hers, but I’ll tell you what I can. She was abused by her mother; luckily wasn’t abused in her foster home, because her sister Cori took the brunt of it to protect her. But even after getting saved by the Angels, Melissa’s mother would randomly pop up into her life and tear her apart. There, now you know a bit about my daughter, and about my past marriage. Anything else?”

“What about Emily’s mother? You kind of just glossed over the fact you had her.” I bite my lip, hoping I’m not pushing too much.

“Not much to tell about April, woman’s a cunt. Was a club whore I used a few times, she got hung up on me and ended up pregnant. To this day, the bitch still thinks she has a shot with me, so she’s not too happy to find out I’m dating someone that isn’t her.”

“She was willingly with you, knowing you were married?” He nods, his eyes alert as if he’s waiting for me to kick him out. Part of me does wonder if he’ll do the same to me. But it’s still early in the relationship, so I shake it off. “Not saying what you did was right, but no real woman would willingly get with a taken man. So, that’s on her. She sounds like she needs her head examined.”

“Will you tell me about you now? I will be honest right now and say the minute you moved in I already had a look into you but couldn’t find much.”

I stare at him in shock, he did a search on me? “Well, honestly, after the heavy you just placed on me about your past and your kids, I think we should steer the convo to something else now.” Conversation just got heavy and needs to get to something lighter.

“As long as you tell me eventually, I’m good with that, but instead of idle chit-chat, how about some dessert?” He gives me a playful look and my pussy clenches.

“Hmm, and what did you have in mind exactly for dessert?” I ask him coyly.

“You,” he growls and gets up from the chair, stalking over to me. Oh, yes, this night just got even better.
