Page 4 of Hangman Untamed

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“Whatcha got for me?” I ask my boys at their computers.

“Justine Reid, twenty-five, independent author. Father lives just a few streets over from you, mother is out of the picture. You want info on the parents or just her? ‘Cause fuck me, Pres, the mother is a cunt, the father a saint. So, she probably went through some shit with her mother before she cut her out.”

“Just Justine for now, gimmie the information on her mother later, I wanna know what I’m dealing with for now.”

“Okay, brother, she writes mostly biker romances, a few rom coms, but dabbles in all genres really. Doesn’t use a pen name, says on her website she refuses to hide who she is. Has dated a Tomas Hyder as far back as we can find out, he’s a schoolteacher. Trust fund baby, his father owns an oil company.” This information confuses me, he’s got a trust fund and should be working for his father, yet he’s a schoolteacher. I’ll have to ask Justine about it at some point.

“So, nothing shady?” I ask, not caring about the bitch boy she’s with.

“Nope, nothing, but brother, man, she’s been hurt bad; childhood trauma, her dad worked away a lot, so he might not know everything, but I hacked into the system and found her doctor files. Doctor even suggested multiple times child abuse by the mother but never reported it,” Wiz tells me. “That’s not all, found her original birth certificate and it seems her dad isn’t her biological father.”

My fists clench, I’ll kill the bitch. No one hurts what’s mine. I narrow my eyes, “Who’s her father?”

Wiz swallows and gives me a bit of side eye, “You’ll never believe this shit, but this Justine? Well, her biological father was the original Jack’s Devils president.”

“Well, fuck me. Did he know about her?” Victor died years ago, after he took off on his wife. Doesn’t surprise me to find out he had an affair, it’s something he did so often, I’m surprised more kids haven’t come about.

“Yeah, Pres, that’s what I’m saying.”

Well, fuck me, I wonder if she even knows about this.

“Can I ask, Pres, what has you so worked up about this bitch?” Manic asks me.

“She’s mine.”

“She’s also taken,” he shoots back. This fucker is about to get punched.

I shrug, “I give zero fucks, because that loser won’t be in her life if I can help it.”

“You know if the Devils find out about her, it won’t go down well.”

I narrow my eyes at him, willing him to keep going. But he doesn’t, so I walk away and head back to the shed where I have the agent hung up. The Devils are a thorn in my side and have been for years, they are nothing like their USA charter, and with help, we’ll take them down. Of course, the one and only time they were useful to me I can’t complain about. It got rid of that fucker that tried to take my daughter Melissa away from me. Too many of the people I know are tied to the Jack’s Devils in some way, first Anara, and now it looks like Justine. These fuckers seem to be everywhere.

I give him a grin as I enter, “Having fun there?” I ask him, “You know, I can make this last for months without giving a fuck.”

“What do you want to know?” he finally asks, sounding defeated.

“Why were you sniffing around Anara?”

“She was nothing, just someone to spend time with while I figured out a way to get in with the club.”

“I’d believe you, but rumor has it you’re already in with Jack’s Devils. So, what was the play?” Pulling my knife I left in his leg out, he screams.

“Fuck, okay, I’ll tell you,” he says as I go to stab him again. “I was sent by the Jacks to try and get in with your club. They want your guns and women. Anara was one of the women they were most interested in. Why, I don’t fucking know, but that’s the truth. I was just supposed to get information, but Anara was tight-lipped about everything to do with the club, except to tell me how much in love with Dirty she was.”

That doesn’t surprise me, that bitch is tough as nails. Even when I was working her over in my shed, she didn’t break. Something that women do often when I get my hands on them. I regret hurting her, knowing she was innocent, but it doesn’t change the facts that her past was kept hidden from me.

I don’t like not knowing shit about people that are around my club. Looking to the piece of shit hanging from my rafters I decide to cut him down. I wanna see what the little fuck is going to do.

“You’re letting me go?” he groans from the ground after I release him.

I smirk, “Jacks know you’ve been here, and have been here a while now, probably thinking you’re turning rat. You’re not my problem anymore.”

His face pales and he looks like he’s about to pass out. To help him with that, bunching up the front of his shirt, I lift him slightly off the ground, I bring my fist up and clock him in the temple, knocking him out instantly and letting him fall back to the floor. I’ll get a prospect to drop him somewhere.

Heading out of the shed, I tell a prospect what to do and take off. I have a woman to woo.

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