Page 42 of Hangman Untamed

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Chapter Thirty-one


We’re on our way tothe clubhouse, and I’m nervous, Carson gave me a look as he announced it, and that means he’s going to brand me. I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet, but at the same time, I want his mark on me, too. He may have driven me nuts in the few weeks we’ve known each other, but I’m falling hard and fast for him.

Even my dad loves him, which shocks me. He loves Tomas as my friend and loves Carson for me as a partner. I don’t get my dad. I would have thought he’d want me with Tomas, someone who is secure and steady and would never hurt me.

My biggest fear is that Carson will break my heart.

“Not branding you tonight, just want to party and have you meet some of the others. Didn’t get to do that last time.”

I stare at him in shock from the passenger seat of my car, that he insisted on driving.

“We’ll go drop your car off, grab my bike and head over. Change into something more bikerish if you got something.”

Oh fuck, yes, I so do. After that first meeting with Carson I’ve been shopping, and I have some extremely epic biker-bitch-chic things. I do a happy dance in my seat and Carson looks at me like I’ve grown an extra head.

“I want tits showing, that’s my biggest ask of you. Anything else is all up to you.”

Tits hanging out, I have the perfect top for that, and my brand-new black-leather leggings, with my lace-up thigh-high black, goth boots. Hell yes, tonight is going to be fun. Every girl still loves playing dress-up and tonight is my night.

We get home in record time, and I quickly rush off to my bedroom as Carson goes and grabs his bike from his house. It will take me a little while, but not much since I already have my hair done up from when we went to dinner with his family.

Carson comes in and appraises me. “Fuck.” He adjusts his crotch and gives me a glare. “Now I’m rethinking this plan.”

I smirk. “Too late for that now, handsome.”

“One rule of tonight, you call me Hangman. Or ‘handsome’ works,” he states and I blink. Weird. I go to ask why I can’t call him his real name because I know I’m going to screw up and he speaks again. “Everyone in the club knows me as ‘Hangman,’ the bitches in the club know not to call me by ‘Carson,’ too. You going in there tonight, is no different. Only difference is you’ll be on my arm and dressed.”

“Wait, huh?”

“Rule in my club is all women must be nude while in the clubhouse. You’ll be the only bitch dressed, and I’m doing it for a reason. Though, I’m starting to rethink some rules lately,” he mumbles. “We’ll talk more about the club later when we have time. Get your thoughts on shit. Pay attention tonight.”

Well, that’s not cryptic at all. What exactly am I supposed to pay attention to?
