Page 59 of Hangman Untamed

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Knocking comes to my office door and Rage steps in. “Penny finished cleaning your room, all traces of Shannan are gone.”

I nod, not knowing what he wants me to say. “Thanks,” I finally reply.

“Yeah, Pres, know this shit is still fresh, but if you want to win Justine back you might want to give her some space, she doesn’t seem like the type of bitch who would put up with you straying.”

This coming from Rage is a fucking joke, what does he know about being faithful? “You don’t know shit.” His ex-wife Megan, fuck, he not only shared her with all the brothers here, but slept with everything that moved and has at least four kids with four different women.

“Know I want Jennifer; know she won’t have me if I keep sticking my dick in everything. You’ve already seen me over the last few months, have I stuck my cock in strange? Besides the occasional blow job?”

Thinking on it, he’s right. Well, fuck. If someone like Rage can change maybe there is hope for my old ass after all.

My phone chimes and I see it’s a text from Melissa, and all it is, is a middle-finger emoji. Fuck, every woman in my life is pissed at me right now. “I even have my kid pissed at me. This is a clusterfuck. I should have dealt with Shannan before now. Got rid of her the first time she opened her mouth.”

“Well, that’s also partly your fault. No matter how many times Gunner or I spoke to her also, you kept fucking her. She might have been alone in her delusion that she was yours, but you led the girl on. We also need to have a meeting with all the club girls. Jennifer is saying quite a few of them are getting mouthy. Shannan was the ringleader with that shit, saying she was claimed by you. With her gone, you might want to sit down with the bitches and talk about what happened and how Jennifer is their boss. Maybe give Jennifer more freedom to fire and hire, too.”

Fuck, what a goddamned mess.

“Get them gathered for an hour from now, close down the bars and clubs and I’ll get over to the apartments for a meet.”

“You got it, Pres.” Rage goes to walk out and turns to me at the door. “Times are changing, and this change could be a good thing.” Fuck, when did we get so fucking pussy-whipped?

Chapter Forty-six


Curled up in my bed, I don’t bother getting up to answer my front door, that’s been banged on for the last twenty minutes. Whoever it is can either come in with a key, and if they don’t have a key, they can fuck off.

Now they are ringing the bell. “For fuck’s sake, people. Can’t someone wallow in self-pity alone?” I grumble as I get out of bed and open the door.

In my face is Melissa and another girl I haven’t met yet. “Um, hi?”

Melissa gives me a sad smile. “I know you probably don’t want company, but I’ll be damned if I let you go through this alone. This, here, is Anara she’s Dirty’s woman.” Ah, finally a face to the name. I give her a smile and open the door wider, inviting them in.

“What’s with the boxes?” Anara asks, sounding horrified.

“Oh, I was supposed to move in with Carson next weekend, but, obviously, that’s not happening now.” That’s never gonna happen more like. Why would I move into someone’s house when we’re no longer together?
