Page 11 of Rage Untamed

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Ileft Jennifer onceshe was fully asleep, I didn’t want to, I wanted to wake her up and have my way with her, but she unloaded a little on me. And it’s something I can look into myself, to make sure she hasn’t lied. Or been lied to.

Her brother was a cop, undercover in the Jacks Devils USA charter for years. If anyone can hack police records it’s Wiz, and he needs to get this done yesterday. Walking into the club house I see a few stragglers still around, but the party has mostly died out.

I head to the back, out the door and through the metal fence to our secret shed and see Wiz and Manic both on their computers. It’s something they’d rather do than party, which is weird as fuck. If I didn’t know they fucked bitches I would think they were virgins.

“Boys,” I start. “Have some work I need you to get done for me.”

“What’s up man, be happy to help,” Wiz says, spinning in his chair.

“We did a soft background check on Jennifer, I want a full report, not only on her but her entire family, mother, father, brother. She told me some shit tonight and I want it looked into.”

“Got it, anything else?”

“Yeah, got a name of a good breast-reduction surgeon that will get the job done within the next month?”

Manic looks up in shock. “For Jennifer? Why?”

“She’s not happy in her body, was made to get those tits because of her brother and wants them gone, at least down to a reasonable size.”

“Well, damn, can’t linger over her tits anymore, huh? Those babies were perfect.” I’m about to launch my fist down Manic’s throat.

“Name or not?”

“Yeah, man, my sister went to this one guy, he’s top surgeon in Fredericton, though he’s got a wait list.”

“Make it so Jennifer is first up.”

“I’ll hack his system and get her name put in there. It’s all good. She’ll have to do a consult first because if she just shows up for surgery and he doesn’t recognize her from his files he’s not gonna touch her.”

Waving him off. “That’s fine, just make sure she’s first for both appointments, I want this done fast so she can plan our wedding.”

“Dude, you’re getting married?” Wiz whistles. “Didn’t you learn anything from Megan?”

“Don’t start that shit. I know what I’m doing, I want Jennifer tied to me in all ways. This will make that happen.”

“Got it, brother, no worries. We’ll find you when we get some shit done here.”

They both get back to their computers and start their searching, while I head back into the clubhouse. The first person I see is Jordan. Oh, how I’ll miss fucking her, but I’m going to try and do right by Jennifer first. I held out for months with only blow jobs from the girls here in hopes it would mean something to Jennifer. If I could do it then, I can do it now.

Jordan smiles when she sees me and comes over, pulling out her phone. “Wanna fuck?”

Shaking my head, “No, go see if someone else wants that pussy.”

“Damn, man, already pussy whipped?” Gunner asks from the bar.

“Ain’t it a little early to be drinking?”

He shrugs, “Not like I’m doing shit all anyways,” he slurs. Fucker’s been getting bad lately, Hangman and I have been talking about doing an intervention on him with how much he drinks. He doesn’t talk about his personal life much, but we recently found out he had a woman, and some club girl decided to lose her shit on him in public, making his girl aware he’s been cheating. And now that woman is in the wind. Club girl is dead, of course.

Those bitches have been dropping like flies lately.

“Hey,” Hangman says, coming over.

“Hey, Pres, you been here all night?”

“No, just got in, left early.”

“Jordan’s available if you want a nice tight hole to fuck,” I taunt him, wondering if he’ll take the bait.
