Page 3 of Rage Untamed

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She kept the bitches at bay that wanted the Old Lady patch. Not got too much bad shit to say about the woman, never loved her, didn’t hate her, but I liked her well enough.

“Good, just put it in the safe, as long as everything’s official, no reason I need anything more to do with that shit.”

“Will do. Church in twenty to see if any of the prospects deserve a patch. Haven’t had a patch-in party in for fuckin’ ever, so hopefully, one of those shits is good enough.” Fuck yeah, he’s right, it’s been too damn long since we had a prospect move up the ranks, a patch-in party is what we all need. And with Hangman’s new rules in place, bitches from town come to those parties to fuck, I’ll be in pussy heaven. The club pushed at first, our rules were simple, no outsiders in the club, ever. No women clothed, ever. And no condoms needed as we test girls. But things started changing, and now we host parties to outsiders, have family day once a month, girls can remain clothed, especially when outsiders and family are around. And of course, the condom rule is now in effect, meaning every brother wears one.

Too many of the bitches were showing up knocked up, I have four kids by four different club girls, girls that are still very much in the club just not with me. Hangman knocked up club bitches twice, and Decker and Gunner both have had pregnancy scares. With that shit happening so damn often the condom rule is a good one. One I don’t really listen to, though, as I only go ungloved in butterface’s asshole. No chance of the bitch getting knocked up that way.

“Is she coming?” I ask him, he knows exactly who I’m talking about.

“Yes, the boys are getting twitchy as fuck about her, Decker and Wiz already have gone to the strip club and fucked her in the back rooms a few times. They brag about that shit to anyone. At least here, she’s a free for all and won’t get a say in who’s cock is inside her.” I grin, fuck yeah, been wanting to lay claim on her for years.

A few years ago, Hangman heard about a rat situation with the Jacks Devils MC in the states and took care of their problem. In return, we got their big-titted bitch; both Hangman and I had fucked that cunt on a ride through the place many times, hottest bitch I ever had. After seeing what the Jack’s Devils’ two psycho killers did to her while they had her, we didn’t touch her for months. Let her heal up and shit, then quickly put her to work at our local strip joint.

A few of the boys have gone in to watch her perform, but no one seemed to be able to get her to put out, except for Decker and Wiz. Knowing those two they probably got her for a private lap dance and forced that shit.

But tonight, on my turf, she’s mine, and I’ll be damned if I let her say no this time.

Chapter 2


Ifinish applying themakeup to my face and take a deep breath. Hangman told me tonight is a club night, and I’m required to be there. I know what goes on in that clubhouse, women have to be available for any man that wants her.

I’ve avoided the club house for a few months now, just sticking to the strip club, but now I’m out of excuses, since Hangman shut down the strip club for the night and is requiring me to be there. Shit, I’ve avoided Rage this long, I would continue to avoid him, but tonight, I know for a fact he’s going to finally have me.

Had him a few times when I lived in the states and he was passing through, had him and Hangman together a few times even. Hangman has changed though since I arrived here, especially since meeting his now wife, Justine. Gone is the guy that slept with anything that moved, and in his place, is a guy that worships his woman and hasn’t strayed since he fucked up.

Rumor has it he’s gone so soft that he’s broken one of his main rules, no family at the club house, and now he brings his wife there whenever she’s ready for a party. I know my place at the club, but some women don’t. A few months back, one of the club girls got too into Hangman and tried to ruin his relationship with Justine. Hangman made fast work of putting the woman down. Well not exactly, the drama went on for a few months before Hangman finally snapped.

I never want to be in that position, and I know Rage, he’d never be faithful to me, ever. No matter how much I want him, it’s just not who he is. Hell, the guy has four kids with four different women, all while married to his wife. A wife that used to babysit those same kids while he was out fucking around on her. Obviously, it wasn’t a love match, but still, when you marry someone, you stay loyal to that person, otherwise, what’s the point.

Can’t say I’m any better, I screwed married and taken men many times, and while I don’t feel guilt over it, I can’t say I’m proud. People hate me just for being me, a whore. My brother made me who I am he’s the reason I’m in this position in the first place, a whore. Slut. Homewrecker. I’ve heard all the names, some even straight to my face.

Only now, that I’m with the Untamed MC, my life is slightly better. Working at the strip club I don’t have to sleep around with anyone. Unless I choose to do so. Hangman really did me a favour by giving me the reins over the club. I was shocked as shit he offered it to me. I was a rat with the Jacks Devils, my brother was undercover trying to get into the club to take them down, and he planted me there as a way to distract the men of the club.

It worked pretty well until I fell for Hush. I refused to give up his secrets. And then when he found out I betrayed him in the worst way, he gave me over to the club’s contract killers. I thought for sure I was going to be dead before sunup. But instead, they played with me, fucking me, tortured me. Anything you can think of they did it. Crazy as hell couple they were. I never want to cross them again. It wasn’t until they got the phone call that I was being picked up by Hangman and Rage that they ended my torment. Pretty sure that was the day they were going to kill me, too.
