Page 16 of Dirty Chaos

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I head for my bike and make my way to the clubhouse.

WITH CHURCH OVER, WEdecide to have a party, inviting all the Old Ladies over. I think about texting Anara to come, but I know it will get to the point I won’t be able to keep my hands to myself and I’ll take her—something I don’t want to do just yet. I want to go slow, earn her trust before I get her into bed. And that’s going to take time.

I think Dirty is lost to Anara for now, he’s not gonna slow his shit down and now he basically has a free pass. Something I doubt he’ll take for granted. Hopefully, Anara knows what she’s doing.

“Hey, Prez, where you off to?”

“Gonna head home, tired as fuck,” I tell my VP and he nods and wishes me off.

I get home to my apartment and look around, place is a dump in a shitty neighbourhood. I could easily buy a house, but now that I’m back with Anara, sort of, I think better of it. Becausewhat if we progress to the point of moving in together? I could just move into her place, it’s big enough.

I don’t even have to wonder how she bought her house. I know working at a grocery store doesn’t pay all that much. I know she took the money from me when she left, and now I’m wondering if Dirty is noticing his bank statements. I didn’t discover half my money gone until a month after she left me.

I didn’t even bother going after her about it because I deserved that shit. I need to find a way to earn Anara’s trust enough to brand her. I know she has Dirty’s mark but mine needs to be added to it as well. Fuck, I’m moving too fast. I just want her as mine.

Laying down on my bed I pull out my cock, hardening at the thought of her. I wonder if she still tastes the same. Stroking my cock, I picture Anara—naked on my bed, spread open for me. Fuck, she used to be wild in bed, wonder if she still is.

Stroke after stroke, I feel myself coming and it finally happens. It lands on my stomach so I get up and head to the bathroom for a shower to clean myself up.

All my thoughts are on Anara tonight, wishing she was mine. She is but she isn’t. Yes, she agreed to give me a chance but casual. Hope she knows that she’s it for me, there will be no one else. But it makes me wonder if she’s going to start dating others, too.

Fuck, I hope not, I’d hate to have to kill someone.

Chapter Thirteen


After Hunter leaves, I go for a soak in the tub. Pulling out my kindle, I decide to read a Glenna Maynard book. She writes about Bikers, kind of like how Justine does, and right now I just need one. But I can’t get into it because my thoughts are on the two men in my life. Hunter and Dirty. I used to always refer to Dirty as Sam, he was my Sam. But not anymore.

I hope my plan doesn’t backfire and I lose Dirty for good. But I have a feeling I just might. Giving him free rein. I decide starting tomorrow, I’m not going to back down. I will wear clothes to make sure my tattoo of Dirty’s name is covered up, showing him I’m over him, make him think it, anyway. Because truth is I’m not. I don’t think I’ll ever be over Dirty.

But then there is Hunter, I thought I was over him, but apparently, I’m not. He shows up out of the blue and suddenly, all these feelings come back. Hell, I’ve loved Hunter since I was a kid. We grew up together, and it eventually turned into more than friendship.

My heart is torn in two. But one thing is for sure—I’m not settling, not anymore. I won’t settle for less than I deserve and what I deserve is a man, or men, that treat me like a queen. Cherished, loved, respected. And cheating on me is not respecting me.

I WAKE UP AND GET DRESSED, wearing a turtle neck, something I absolutely hate because I hate anything on my neck, and skinny jeans, and head out of the house. I need to get to the clubhouse to make sure everything is running smoothly and to update Hangman on shit.

It doesn’t take me long to get to the clubhouse and I’m let right in at the gate, thanks to my keycard that gives me access. Once parked, I look at myself in the mirror, I’ve gone all out, need to show Dirty I can be happy without him. It’s something he hates, because he always felt I was only happy with him.

Truth is, I was happy with him, until I wasn’t. Same could be said for Hunter, both men made me unbelievably happy. Hunter was more open with his cheating, and I’ve heard Dirty time and again about how he wants to fuck Jennifer, and that’s why I was so angry with her on our first girls’ night out.

I remember the day like it was yesterday, him talking about how hot she was and she had tits to die for. It made me so angry, and I took it out on a friend. It wasn’t her fault, but damn, was I angry. Now I need to toughen up because I know I’m about to walk into something I probably never want to see, but I can’t let it show.

Walking into the clubhouse with my head held high, I’m greeted by everyone by name, and I smile, waving at them all. I don’t see Dirty, yet, but I know I will. And soon as I walk further into the common room, there he is, on the sofa, dick out, flaccid with a girl tucked into his side.

I want to rage, but I don’t; instead, I roll my eyes and continue on to Hangman’s office. It hurts, knowing that I’m not enough for Dirty, but it’s whatever right now. Going to Hangman’s office, I knock and he tells me to come in.

“Hey there, boss man.” I greet him with a cheeky smile.

He shakes his head but gives me a grin. “Take a seat.”

“Thought I’d let you know, Chasity was kicked out,” I tell him, waiting for his response.

“Good, she only brought trouble. You know if she got that tattoo covered or removed?”

“Nope, didn’t bother asking, don’t care either way honestly.”

He nods. “How’d the test results come out?”
