Page 2 of Dirty Chaos

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Well, fuck that, I’m picking myself up and not giving in to him again. He can suck a rotten egg.

Getting that text from the unknown number, well that about did me in. I didn’t know what the hell I was opening, but when the video started playing and my name was said, I freaked out and instantly forwarded it to Dirty, telling him we’re over.

Right now, I’m at Melissa’s place, but the house I left was mine. Dirty was an added addition. So, the minute I can, I’m changing the locks and going back home. As I said, Dirty can kick rocks.

We’re done. So fucking done.

Now I’m sitting here, watching Justine pace with her newborn daughter. She got a text, too, but pictures, not a video. Jennifer is here also, but she’s not as mad. She knew about Rage’s cheating, he told her, flat out. She’s just upset that it was shoved in her face.

“While I don’t mind having y’all here, what are you gonna do?” Melissa asks.

“I’m going back first thing once the locks are changed,” Justine says.

“I’m just staying for a little to help the ladies, I know they’re upset. I am, too, but for me, it’s not as bad,” Jennifer replies.

Everyone looks to me. “I’m staying here until I can get locks changed also. It’s my house, not Dirty’s; he only moved in. I’m over him, over it all!” I spit out angrily.

Melissa looks to me and cringes at how mad I am. Then, she looks to Justine. “I’m sorry my dad did this.”

Justine shrugs. “After the shit I went through before with him, he can fuck himself.” Her baby starts to cry and I swoop in to take her. I wanted a kid, wanted multiples of them with Dirty. But now, fuck that. This might be my only chance to hold a baby.

“Hey, pretty girl,” I coo at her.

The girls continue to rant and I say nothing, my anger is stewing. I have nothing nice to say, and I’m sure this pretty baby can pick up the vibes of the room.

“I should have just maintained not being exclusive with Carson. All of this could have been avoided.” Non-exclusive huh, maybe I should take that on. Then I won’t get so heartbroken. Justine has been rubbing off on me lately. I love her company. Dark and dirty. Dirty, just thinking about that name launches my anger.

“Yeah, I don’t blame you, girl. Dad may have wanted you all to himself but what he did. I have no words,” Melissa tells Justine.

“Fuck men,” I mutter, rocking little baby Chandler.

Jennifer looks at me with pity. I don’t want her pity, not after how I’ve treated her. “Girl, I’m sorry, I know you’re struggling but you need to talk to Dirty before you make any rash decisions,” she tells me.

I shake my head. “We already went over this. I told him flat out, he cheats once, I’m gone. And it’s that bitch Chasity.” That makes it worse. I knew Chasity. She only recently joined the club as a girl, but I knew her. We worked together at the grocery store.

And in the video, her shirt was pulled down and I saw Dirty’s named tattooed on her skin. If I wasn’t a good person, I’d take a knife to the bitch and cut it off of her.

“At least you haven’t married him yet. Unfortunately for me, I married Hangman and had his kid. So, I will have to deal with him at some point, but that time isn’t now. I’m changing the locks and filing for divorce. Fuck him!” Justine spits out angrily.

I feel her, Dirty wants to get married but I held off, saying I wasn’t ready. In truth, deep down, I always knew we wouldn’t last. Not because I don’t love him or anything, but I knew something would happen to fuck it up. Now I’m just thankful I went with my gut.

I hear the sound of bikes coming down the street, and I put baby Chandler down in her playpen and go to the window next to Justine, Jennifer and Melissa follow behind us. And, of course, there they are, all our men. Rage, Hangman, and Dirty.

Slammer beats us to the door and stands guard. Melissa really got a good man in him. “Y’all need to leave,” he states, not moving from the door, arms crossed.

“We’re not leaving until we talk to our women,” Hangman says. “You’ll let me pass, Slammer, you may not be a full member anymore but I’m still your president.”

“Then consider me out for good, because president, father-in-law, doesn’t fucking matter, you ain’t getting in here,” Slammer declares and Melissa swoons.

“My man is so sexy, no wonder I keep popping out his kids.” She giggles and we all join in.

Jennifer takes this moment to put her coat on and grab her purse. “I’m gonna head out with my man, we need to talk anyway. He already told me about the girl, just seeing the picture hurt. You two, I’ll be in touch and we can talk.”

How she can forgive Rage baffles me. But at least her man is honest about shit. Unlike mine. How long has Dirty been fucking around on me? Probably since the beginning. I wouldn’t be surprised.

We look out the window and see Jennifer go to Rage, give him a quick kiss, and hop in her car. He ends up following behind her.

I don’t hear Hangman talking to Slammer anymore, instead I see him next to his bike, fists clenched. Dirty looks worse for wear, good. Hope he feels like shit. Asshole.

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