Page 22 of Dirty Chaos

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“Can we please talk?”

I bite my lip and nod. “Tonight, come over around eight. We’ll talk.”

He sags with relief. “Okay.”

Dirty walks away and back into the clubhouse. I hope I’m not making a mistake. This talk could either make or break us. Only time will tell, I suppose.

Chapter Seventeen


Fuck me, an STD. Half the club is lined up in front of Doc right now, getting tested, and that shit is not fun. I just finished my test. Can’t believe I was so stupid. I’ve always been careful with condoms, but a few times I know I fucked up.

I know I used a condom with Ren, but shit happens still, so who knows? Hopefully, I come back clean. Unlike a few of these other fucks, they are in a world of shit with their Old Ladies. Especially since Slasher is pretty sure he’s got something. He never uses condoms, even with Hangman’s new rules in place.

And he’s been with both Layla and Ren multiple times.

His Old Lady is gonna shoot him dead when he goes home with the news, that is, if his tests come back positive. I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that shit.

My timer goes off and I stand back in line, this means my test is ready. Doc likes to fast-track shit, and thanks to Wiz and Manic’s hacking abilities, they were able to get into the clinical database and order a bunch of medical shit for us. Some of the shit we have, Doc says is better than the hospital stuff.

When it’s finally my turn again, Doc looks at the tests and smiles. “It’s your lucky day, you’re clean.”

Fucking yes! Thank God. Now to tell Anara tonight when I see her.

I leave the common room and head to my room to get ready for my first therapy session. I haven’t told any of the other guysbecause I don’t want the ribbing. I’ll be looked down on as a pussy.

I head out and bump into Decker who looks rugged as shit. “What’s up, brother?”

“Fucking shit is what. Can’t find my wife.” Him having a wife shocked the fuck out of us all, and the fact that she was overweight. Never took Decker to be a chubby chaser, but whatever floats his boat. He won’t get shit from me about it.

“She have any friends she could be staying with?”

“Checked them out, nothing. I doubt she’s with her mother, bitch is a nasty piece of work,” he tells me.

“Get Wiz and Manic on it, I’m sure they’ll find something.”

His shoulders slump but he nods. “You’re right, I wanted to do this on my own, but it looks like I need help. I can hack, but not as good as those two.”

He takes off out the back and I head out the front, roaring off on my bike.

WELL FUCK, THAT WASrough, therapy is no joke. It’s also kind of lame. Talking about feelings and shit, I don’t think it’s for me. None of what we talked about has anything to do with why I can’t keep my dick in my pants. I think that’s something all on me to figure out.

I didn’t bother making another appointment, I want to see where this talk with Anara will go first.

Pulling into her driveway, I just stare up at the house, the house we once shared together. Fuck, just weeks ago, I was in that house, fucking my woman. Now I’m a stranger to it and can’t get inside without her letting me in.

I knock on the door and she peeks out the window before coming to it and letting me inside. I quickly follow her to the living room, nervous as fuck. She hasn’t said a word to me yet.

“Want anything to drink?” she asks. And I shake my head no.

“Fuck, first of all, I’m clean. Test came back. You have nothing from me,” I tell her.

She sags in relief. “Thank fuck, wasn’t going to enjoy having that conversation with Hunter.”

Hearing his name causes my fists to clench. I still can’t believe she fucked him already. After all the shit he put her through in the past, and she jumps into bed with him first chance she gets. Is this just her getting back at me?

“I don’t know where to start. I feel like this is all on me. It’s not you, Anara. You’ve done nothing wrong. My tastes, fuck, I know how much you hate them sometimes, but I need kinks.”

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