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“Not necessarily.” Owen told his friends a brief history of his past behaviors and treatment. He also told them about the scheme he had been involved in with trying to steal gold out of New Zealand. “I have behaved abominably to many people, including you, my fellow soldiers, by trying to profit while we were at war.”

“It takes a brave man to admit when he is wrong,” Lucien stated. “We have all made mistakes in the past. The main thing is that we learn from them and move forward better men for it.”

“That I have, and I have Selena to thank for most of it. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know what I would have done.” Owen glanced over his shoulder at his wife. She was sitting between Lily and Maggie, listening to Arabella speaking. Dorian’s wife’s belly was large. Clearly she would deliver their child soon.

A pang of jealousy hit Owen. He and Selena had been trying to have children, but no luck so far, although the act of trying was enjoyable. Each morning he woke up amazed Selena had stuck with him. He gave her a devilish smile. She ducked her head, but not before he saw her cheeks flush scarlet.

“She is a good woman. Indeed, we have all found wonderful partners to share our lives with. I’m still in awe that Maggie chose me.” Lucien also stole a glance at his wife.

The men all agreed.

“I didn’t get to say before, Shaw, but congratulations on the new leg—and impending fatherhood.” Owen patted his friend on the back.

“Thank you. Like you, I have my wife to thank for both of those. I’ll admit I am nervous about the baby. I don’t know the first thing about them.”

“Believe me, you learn quickly,” Lucien chimed in.

“I can’t speak about babies, but young children are wonderful,” Owen answered.

“What do you mean?” Royce asked.

“Our children—we adopted them last year.” Owen was ashamed to admit that he and Selena were having problems conceiving a child.

Dorian raised his glass. “It’s a great honor to be a father, no matter the circumstances. You are a good man, Fernsby. To fatherhood.” The others toasted.

“What’s this I hear about fatherhood?” Arabella asked, putting an arm around Dorian.

“We were toasting the fathers and fathers-to-be.”

“How lovely,” Lily said. “Speaking of, why don’t we see how the children are getting on? I believe they are outside on the lawn.”

The couples went out to find the children playing a game of tag. Owen was happy to see them playing with Lucien’s nieces. Perhaps there would be more play mates to come. He noticed that Griffin and Foster were not present. Hopefully, they were on their way. He so wanted to see all his comrades again.

“How are you?” Selena came up to him.

“I couldn’t be happier. I’m glad we came. It’s comforting to see my friends. At that time, they were my only friends. You should have heard the lessons they taught me on the way home. Hearing about etiquette from men is a far cry from what ladies are taught.”

“I like them, and their wives are all splendid. Arabella told me she and Dorian have been sweethearts since they were younger, but lost touch for a while. It’s romantic how they came to find one another again. And Lily told me she was running away from some men hunting her when she came to Royce’s home.”

“Everyone has been having adventures since we returned home. It sounds like we will have some interesting discussions during our stay.”

Selena laid her head on his shoulder. “I think all of you have been through a lot since coming home.”

“War changes everyone.”


“In my case, I think it was for the better.” He wrapped his arms around Selena. “That knock on the head did more than take my memories for a while, it changed my life. I am so grateful to have you in my life, my love.” Owen leaned over and kissed Selena. To hell if anyone saw, although he didn’t think anyone would mind.

From what Owen had seen, all the men were madly in love with their wives. Royce had his arm around Lily. Dorian stood guard by Arabella as she sat in a chair, brought out because of her delicate condition. Maggie and Lucien stood with their heads together in an intimate conversation. Yes, they were all lucky.

“Did you see how fast I ran?” Ned bounded over to his parents.

“You are doing wonderful, my dear,” Selena said.

They laughed as Ned rejoined the other children. Life couldn’t get any better. Owen tightened his grip on Selena. It had taken him going halfway around the world and losing his memories to realize that his greatest gift had been right in front of him the entire time.

The End

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