Page 19 of Loving The Warrior

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“Do you want me to rub your leg for you?”Or any place else?

“Yes. It helped last time.”

Like before, Kane put Heath’s leg on his lap and made small rhythmic circles on his calf with slight pressure. Heath let out a sigh. The tension released from his body. His shoulders sagged and his legs opened slightly wider from being so relaxed. Kane’s eyes went to Heath’s groin. Was that his erection? Lord, he wanted to see Heath’s cock spring from his trousers. He wanted to run his tongue up the shaft, then take it into his mouth until Heath rocked against him to completion.

Just then, Heath brought his head up in time to see Kane’s wayward glance at his crotch. Kane didn’t blush or look away. No. He wouldn’t be ashamed. Besides, Kane would swear he’d seen Heath’s cock stir when he realized what Kane had been looking at.

“Do you like Miss Wilcott?” Kane blurted out for no apparent reason.

“What?” Heath blinked.

“Did you enjoy your time with her today? She certainly wanted to keep you close.”

“Like I said before. I have no interest in her—or any other woman.”

“Are you interested in someone else?”

Kane was playing with fire, but he didn’t care. There was something there between them. It wasn’t his imagination. The only question was, did Heath feel the same?


Was Heath interested in someone else? Hell, yes, he was. But the notion was foolhardy, even if Kane was referring to himself. The idea of acting on such feelings was frightening, but also exciting. Could Heath admit how he yearned for Kane to move his hand higher until he grasped Heath’s cock, working him to a glorious finish? Images of them together popped into Heath’s mind. What would Kane’s lips taste like?, like sin.And Heath would gladly kneel in front of Kane, worshipping his cock with his mouth.

No, this was madness, indeed.

Heath broke eye contact, ashamed Kane would see too much. Sensing his change, Kane removed his hand. Just like last time, the warmth of Kane’s touch lingered.

“You should rest that leg until dinner. There are some things I want to prepare for our lessons for tomorrow.” Kane rose without glancing back.

I’m a fool.Heath threw his head on a pillow. Not only did his leg ache, but now his cock was painfully stiff. He peered at the parlor door. It was closed. No one would disturb him. Sheepishly, he undid the buttons on his trousers, seeking release.

He was desperate, frustrated to where he had to take matters into his own hands. Taking his cock, Heath rubbed the length, harder, faster, until he couldn’t contain the moan of satisfaction that escaped from his mouth. But it wasn’t his hand, no, it was Kane’s that was taking him over the edge. The tension built in his balls until it triggered his climax. Heath let out the breath he had held, feeling the warmth of his cum on his hand. For a few moments he lay there, spent both physically and emotionally.

How long could this go on? Could he see Kane every day and act like everything was normal? It didn’t matter since Heath was too shy to ever bring the subject up. The fear of rejection was foremost in Heath’s mind. How could anyone find him attractive? He was awkward, uneducated, and to top it off, he had a bad leg. Not the qualities one looked for in a partner. Yes, it was best to leave things as they were.

After dinner that evening, Heath tried to read but found his mind wandering. He threw the book aside.

“Something wrong?” Kane asked from the sofa opposite him.

“I’m not in the mood for reading.”

“Do you want to play cards?”

Heath sat up straight. “I don’t think I’m in the mood for much of anything tonight. I think I will retire. It’s been a long day.”

“Good night, sir.”

Heath paused. “You may call me Heath.” He met Kane’s unwavering stare. “I would like you to call me by my name. After all, we are friends.”

Kane’s eye twitched slightly before he nodded. “Very well, then. I expect you to call me Kane. But I will continue to address you respectfully around others. I don’t want anyone to think I’m being improper.”

“Yes, we must give the look of respectability. Good night, Kane.”

“Good night, Heath.”

The sound of his name on Kane’s lips was melodious. His cock agreed, but Heath tamped down the growing arousal.

* * *
