Page 60 of Loving The Warrior

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“Take me.” Heath was a slave to his lustful desires. It didn’t matter if it was wicked or sinful. All that mattered in that moment was the two of them together.

Kane didn’t take long to start a ruthless pace that had Heath’s body rocking in time with the swing of Kane’s cock in and out of him. Their bodies slapped together as Kane took him to the height of ecstasy. Heath admired Kane’s physique as he towered over him. Kane’s blond hair was wet from perspiration, his blue eyes dark like a storm. His muscles were tense as he thundered into Heath’s depths. The man was a magnificent god, and Heath was glad to call him his lover, for as long as it lasted.

“I never thought it could be like this,” Heath said between breaths. He could barely form a sentence.

“Neither did I. You’re the only one I feel this way with.”

“What way?”

“Like I can’t get enough of you.” Kane thrust harder. “Like I need to possess every inch of you. Make youmine.”

He said the last word with such emphasis that Heath nearly declared his love then and there. He wanted to be possessed; to be loved by Kane.

Their slick bodies came together over and over again. Kane’s cock stretched Heath’s muscles, forcing him to accept the intrusion, forging a bond between them. Heath was close, he could feel it. He grabbed his cock, desperate for his release. The tension in his balls crescendoed until the tip of Kane’s cock penetrated so deep it was all Heath needed.

A shock wave travelled up his spine, out to his limbs, then came back a hundredfold to center on his rod. White cream exploded from Heath’s cock as he shouted, not caring if the entire world heard him. At the same time, Kane thrust one more time before letting out his own howl of finality as he came inside Heath.

They stayed there for a while, neither able to move. Heath leaned his head back, taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart. It took several moments for the world to come back into focus after that orgasm. His breathing slowed and evened out as his body chilled from the sweat cooling on his body. Kane released his legs, gently placing his feet on the ground. The odd angle did something to Heath’s bad leg and suddenly he got a cramp.


He brought his leg up on the bed, massaging his calf, hoping the pain would go away.

“I’m sorry.” Kane got in next to him.

“It’s not your fault. Blasted thing has a mind of its own. Besides, even if I knew this would happen, I would do it all over again.” He leaned in to take one last sip of Kane’s lips. “I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Kane smiled. “You are amazing.” He wrapped a hand around Heath’s neck, drawing him in for a longer embrace.

The pain in his leg slowly dissipated, and the couple curled up in each other’s arms until the light of day told them it was time for Kane to leave. The bed felt empty after he left. Heath put his head on the pillow Kane had used, inhaling his scent. Could this work? A life for them? Did other men do this? Questions raced through Heath’s mind. Did Kane want to stay? Perhaps he should ask. No, not yet. Things were still so new, and Heath wanted to enjoy it as long as he could because in the back of his mind, he feared Kane would leave, and where would that leave him?

* * *

When Heath next opened his eyes, the skies had turned dark. A storm must be coming. When he stood, the familiar ache in his leg told him he was right. A short while later, raindrops splattered on the windows and thunder rattled in the sky.

Heath asked for breakfast in the study since he had overslept. When he entered, Kane was already there with a large grin to greet him.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning. Sorry I overslept.”

“No need to apologize. I must have worn you out.”

There was that devilish smile that threatened to undo Heath’s heart every time he saw it. A maid brought in the breakfast tray just before Heath could answer. He sat down, his belly grumbling. Kane had indeed worn him out.

“Shall we get started while you eat?”

“Yes. Please do.”

They went through lessons, then turned to the accounting books, going over the costs for the brewery and Heath’s other investments. All the while, the weather had worsened to the point the wind was whipping the rain against the windows so much they rattled. Bolts of lightning streaked across the skies.

What a perfect day to stay in bed with Kane.But alas, Heath knew his wish was only that, a fanciful dream. But at least they would have the nights to spend together.

The day progressed, and the storm had not let up. Later in the morning, there was a knock at the door.

“Enter,” Heath said.

“Begging your pardon, sir,” Jenkins said, “but Mr. Collins has just come to say the river is flooding the fields on the south side. The farmers are trying to build a barricade, but it isn’t working.”
